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HOLY BIBLE Page 1117. A.D. 30. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily,
IN SEARCH OF THE MIRACULOUS Fragments of an Unknown Teaching P.D.Oupensky 1878- 1947 Page 217 "A man may be born, but in order to be born he must first die, and in order to die he must first awake.' "
THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN Thomas Mann 1875-1955Page 496 "There is both rhyme and reason in what I say, I have made a dream poem of humanity.I will cling to it. I will be good. I will let death have no mastery over my thoughts. For therein lies goodness and love of humankind, and in nothing else." Page 496 / 497 "Love stands opposed to death. It is love, not reason, that is stronger than death. Only love, not reason, gives sweet thoughts. And from love and sweetness alone can form come: form and civilisation, friendly and enlightened, beautiful human intercourse-always in silent recognition of the blood-sacrifice. Ah, yes, it is it is well and truly dreamed. I have taken stock I will keep faith with death in my heart, yet well remember that faith with death and the dead is evil, is hostile to mankind, so soon as we give it power over thought and action. For the sake of goodness and love, man shall let death have no sovereignty over his thoughts.
HOLY BIBLE King James Version Amos 9:11 (KJV) In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old:
The essential reality the thing that really matters, is what God does in our heart “The kingdom of God is within you”. (Luke 17:21). Since we are body as well as ...
The Kingdom of God is within you. —Jesus. | Inspirational Quotes ... The Kingdom of God Bible Scriptures, Daily Scripture, Bible Quotes, Daily ..... but the kingdom of God is within us, for the word of God is very near, in our mouth ...
Enjoy our god within us quotes collection. Best god within us quotes selected by thousands of our users!
IN SEARCH OF ZARATHUSTRA Paul Kriwaczek 1988 "The beautiful deathbed speech invented for Cyrus by Xenophon" Page 183 "The everlasting God above, who beholds all things, with whom is all power, who upholds the order of this universe, unmarred, unageing, unerring, unfathomable in beauty and in splendour, fear Him my sons, and never yield to sin or wickedness, in thought, in word, or in deed. And after the Almighty, I would have you revere the whole race of man, as it renews itself for ever; for God has not hidden you in the darkness, and your, deeds will be manifest in the eyes of all mankind. If they be righteous and free from iniquity, they will blazen forth your power; but if you meditate evil against each other you will forfeit the confidence of every man."
Definitions of Apophenia on the Web: •Apophenia is the experience of seeing patterns or connections in random or meaningless data. The term was coined in 1958 by Klaus Conrad, who defined it as the "unmotivated seeing of connections" accompanied by a "specific experience of an abnormal meaningfulness". •The perception of or belief in connectedness among unrelated phenomena
Apophenia Apophenia is the experience of seeing patterns or connections in random or meaningless data. The term was coined in 1958 by Klaus Conrad,[1] who defined it as the "unmotivated seeing of connections" accompanied by a "specific experience of an abnormal meaningfulness". While observations of relevant work environments and human behaviors in these environments is a very important first step in coming to understand any new domain, this activity is in and of its self not sufficient to constitute scientific research. It is fraught with problems of subjective bias in the observer. We (like the experts we study) often see what we expect to see, we interpret the world through our own personal lens. Thus we are extraordinarily open to the trap of apophenia. Conrad originally described this phenomenon in relation to the distortion of reality present in psychosis, but it has become more widely used to describe this tendency in healthy individuals without necessarily implying the presence of neurological differences or mental illness. In the case of autistic spectrum disorders, including Asperger syndrome and individuals who are autistic savants, individuals may in fact be aware of patterns (such as those present in complex systems, large numbers, music, etc) that are infrequently noticed by neurotypical people. Rather than being aware of patterns that do not exist, autistic individuals may be aware of meaningful patterns within situations that appear meaningless to others. Contents [hide] [edit] Examples The identification of a face on the surface of Mars is an example of pareidoliac apophenia.[edit] Pareidolia Recent real-world examples: the 'finding' of a cross inside a halved potato, the 'appearance' of Jesus and Mary inside a halved orange, Jesus' face on a piece of toast or in the frost on a car window. [edit] Fiction As narrative is one of our major cognitive instruments for structuring reality, there is some common ground between apophenia and narrative fallacies such as hindsight bias. Since pattern recognition may be related to plans, goals, and ideology, and may be a matter of group ideology rather than a matter of solitary delusion, the interpreter attempting to diagnose or identify apophenia may have to face a conflict of interpretations.[citation needed] [edit] See also
Skeptic's Dictionary: Robert Todd Carroll's article on apophenia Main Hidden messages · Subliminal message Audio Backmasking · Reverse speech · Spectrogram Numeric Numerology · Theomatics · Bible code · Cryptology Visual Fnord · Paranoiac-critical method · Pareidolia · Sacred geometry · Steganography See also Anagram · Apophenia · Easter egg (media) · Clustering illusion · Observer-expectancy effect · Pattern recognition ·Paradox · Palindrome · Unconscious mind This page was last modified on 18 January 2010 at 23:49.
3 Jun 2010 ... Everybody Hurts Lyrics by R.E.M. are the property of the respective authors, artists and labels, Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe) When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone, Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along 'Cause everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long, Well, everybody hurts sometimes,
Dream baby dream We gotta keep the light burning We gotta keep the fire burning Come open up your heart Come on and open up your heart Come on, we gotta keep on dreaming Come on darling and dry your eyes Yeah I just wanna see you smile Come on and open up your hearts Yeah I just wanna see you smile Yeah I just wanna see you smile Come on and open up your heart Come on dream on, dream on baby Ah ah ah ah "Dream Baby Dream" written by Alan Vega and Martin Rev.
The Tempest's Epilogue "You do look, my son, in a moved sort, William Shakespeare 1564-1616
DAILY MIRROR Tuesday, November 4, 2003 Veena Minocha Page 33 Jonathan Cainer Dear Reader this article "Doorway to Heaven" by Veena Minocha Astrologer of The Hindustan Times is submitted to your cyclopian minds eye "DOORWAY TO HEAVEN" THIS IS "make no mistake, the greatest shift of consciousness ever. The period between November 8 and 23 is a very special time, when humanity will be assisted by all the Heavenly Beings of Light to catapult their consciousness into the fifth-dimensional level. After the lunar eclipse on November 8, a rare galactic alignment will build powerful cosmic energies which will gather momentum until the solar eclipse on November 23rd THE STAR OF DAVID formation in the heavens will be the harbinger of unprecedented showers of frequencies of divine consciousness. This will have the effect of opening upa multi-dimensional portal of divine consciousness into the heart and mind of the Mother-Father God Principle, the cosmic I AM ALL THAT IS Every man, woman and child will be treated to a rare glimpse into the remembrance of their own divinity, and the oneness of all life. The light of divine consciousness will be shining forcefully through the mental strata of the Earth, and a portal into the divine mind of God will open within the mental bodies of all humanity. The new solar frequencies of the fifth dimension will thus become available to all those who choose it! SOUL TO SOUL These frequencies are aligned with the ascended master frequencies, and will hum in tune with the patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God. This is, make no mistake, the greatest shift of consciousness ever attempted by the Heavenly Beings of Light, for all humans to take advantage of. This gigantic shift of consciousness was essential to the divine plan of anchoring THE LIGHT OF GOD to the planet, to transform the Earth, as well as humans, for if this was not done, it would be like trying to change the image of humanity in a mirror, without changing the human himself who causes the reflection. Outer-worldly situations only change if there is corresponding change in the minds and hearts of men.When every soul on the planet remembers the oneness of all life, and that if we harm one another, we are in actuality harming ourselves, then this profound truth will open up the mind-blowing concepts of the interconnectedness, and the ultimate inter-dependent-ness, of soul and soul.Can you imagine how people will interact once the profoundness of this truth pervades their consciousness?"
THE PHILOSOPHERS STONE "The Philosopher's Stone is called the most ancient, secret or unknown, natural, incomprehensible, heavenly, blessed, sacred Stone of the Sages. It is described as being true, more certain than certainty itself, the arcanum of all arcana - the Divine virtue and efficacy, which is hidden from the foolish, the aim and end of all things under heaven, the wonderful epilogue or conclusion of all the labours of the Sages - the perfect essence of all the elements, the indestructible body which no element can injure, the quintessence; the double and living mercury which has in itself the heavenly spirit - the cure of all unsound and imperfect metals the everlasting light - the panacea for all diseases - the glorious Phoenix - the most precious of all treasures - the chief good of Nature." Anon., The Sophic Hydrolith (1678
I THE MESSAGE unless integral to quoted work. all arithmetical machinations, emphasis, comment, insertions subterfuge and insinuations are those of the Zed Aliz Zed as recorded by the far yonder scribe
STORM ON THE SUN HOW THE SUN AFFECTS LIFE ON EARTH Joseph Goodavage 1979 Page 5 (Chapter1) "Eliminate the impossible. Whatever remains, however improbable must be true" Sherlock Holmes Page 13 "Teilhard, a geologist, paleontologist, and discoverer of Pekin Man, noted that "the probable life of a phylum of average dimensions is reckoned in tens of millions of years." Long before the discovery that the earliest known humanoid was almost five million years old- with extrapolations of human existence dating back more than ten million years-de Chardin wrote, "Man now sees that the seeds of his ultimate dissolution are at the heart of his being. The End of the Species is in the marrow of our bones!" He qualified this seemingly dismal forecast, explain-ing that he meant "The end of a 'thinking species': not disintegration and death, but a new break-through and a re-birth, this time outside Time and Space, through the very excess of unification and coreflexion." It is this kind of metamorphosis that Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick tried to convey in the film, 2001: A Space Odyssey. But Teilhard had an even greater evolutionary view. In Mon Univers, he foresaw the end of the world: ". . . forced together by the growth of a common power and the sense of a common travail, the men of the future will in some sort form a single consciousness and because, their initiation being completed, they will have measured the power of their associated minds, the immensity of the Universe and the narrowness of their prison, this consciousness will be truly adult, truly major." If men are to become gods-with powers unimagin-able to the human brain in its present state-there must be evidence that other gods-possibly from a remote galaxy or dimension-have created us in their own image. There is such evidence. Many diverse cultures have similar legends, myths, and religions featuring seven mighty archangelic figures, with the central Being re- sponsible for the creation of the Sun, Moon, and planets, the land, sea, animals-and man. Entities capa-able of such awesome power would have no difficulty controlling a relatively small star such as our Sun."
STORM ON THE SUN HEADS FOR EARTH David Derbyshire Science Correspondent THE DAILY TELEGRAPH Thursday November 6, 2003 Page19 "THE solar storms that have buffeted Earth over the past two weeks showed no signs of abating yesterday after the most powerful flare ever recorded was unleashed. The flare erupted on Tuesday night, overwhelming the array of satellites monitoring the Sun: and sending billions of tons of superheated gas and charged particles into the solar system. Scientists say the explosion was so large that it went off their scale. Although not aimed directly at Earth, the: resulting magnetic storm is likely to give the planet a glancing blow. The current spell of solar activity is unprecedented in recent history and has' involved some of the most spectacular events since regular monitoring of the Sun began in the 1980s. Massive solar flares usually originate around clusters of sunspots. Over the last two weeks, nine major flares have erupted from the sunspot region 486, making it the most active ever recorded. . . "
THE LOST WORLDS OF 2001 Arthur C. Clarke 1972 Page179 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.' That's what we're up against here. Our lasers and mesotrons and nuclear reactors and neutrino telescopes would have seemed pure magic to the best scientists of the nineteenth century. But they could have understood how they worked-more or less-if we were around to explain the theory to them." Page 189 The other is Clarke's Third* Law "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
GODS OF THE DAWN Peter Lemesurier 1997 "As Arthur C. Clarke's perceptive Third Law puts it: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
THE SECRET HISTORY OF ANCIENT EGYPT Herbie Brennan 2000 "The British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke is said to have commented that "any sufficiently high technology is indistinguishable from magic"
THE BIBLE CODE Michael Drosnin 1997 THE SEALED BOOK Page 70 (chapter four) "The astronomer Carl Sagan once noted that if there was other intelligent life in the universe some of it would have certainly evolved far earlier than we did, and had thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or millions, or hundreds of millions of years to develop the advanced technology that we are only now beginning to develop. 'After billions of years of biological evolution - on their planet and ours - an alien civilization cannot be in technological lockstep with us,' wrote Sagan. 'There 'have been humans for more than twenty thousand centuries, but we've had radio only for about one century,' wrote Sagan. 'If alien civilizations are behind us, they're likely to be too far behind us to have radio. And if they're ahead of us, they're likely to be far ahead of us. Think of the technical advances on our world over just the last few centuries. What is for us technologically difficult or impossible, what might seem to us like magic, might for them be trivially easy.' The author of 2001, Arthur C. Clarke - who envisioned a mysterious black monolith that reappears at successive stages of human evolution, each time we are ready to be taken to a higher level - made a similar observation: 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.' Page 163Chapter notes,pages 69-75 "The astronomer Carl Sagan suggested that an advanced alien technology 'might seem to us like magic' in Pale Blue Dot (Random House, 1994), p. 352 The author of 2001, Arthur C. Clarke, made a similar observation: 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' (Profiles of the Future, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1984). Paul Davies' imagined 'alien artifact' is described in his book Are We Alone? (Basic Books, 1995), p. 42. Stanley Kubrick, in his famous movie version of Clarke's 2001, showed a mysterious black monolith that seemed to reappear at successive stages of human evolution, each time we were ready to be taken to a higher level. When I told him about the Bible code, Kubrick's immediate reaction was, 'It's like the monolith in 2001.' "
FIRST CONTACT THE SEARCH FOR EXTRA TERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE Edited By Beb Bova and Byron Preiss 1990 SEIZING THE MOMENT A UNIQUE MOMENT IN HUMAN HISTORY Michael Michaud ANTHROPOCENTRISM GOOD-BYE Page311 The most profound message from the aliens may never be spoken: We are not alone or unique. Contact would tell us that life and intelligence have evolved elsewhere in the Universe, and that they may be common by-products of cosmic evolution. Contact would tend to confirm the theory that life evolves chemically from inanimate matter, through universal processes,implying that there are other alien civilizations in addition to the one we had detected. We might see ourselves as just one example of biocosmic processes, one facet of the Universe becoming aware of itself. We would undergo a revolution in the way that we conceive our own position in the Universe; any remaining pretense of centrality or a special role, any belief that we are a chosen species would be dashed for- ever, completing the process begun by Copernicus four centuries ago. The revelation that we are not the most technologically advanced intelligent species could lead to a humbling deflation of our sense of self-importance. We might reclassify ourselves to a lower level of ability and worth. This leveling of our pretensions, this anti-hubris, could be intensified if we were confronted with alien technology beyond our understanding. (Arthur C. Clarke has observed that any sufficiently advanced tech-nology would be indistinguishable from magic.) "ANY SUFFICIENTLY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY IS INDISTINGUABLE FROM MAGIC"
JOSEPH AND HIS BROTHERS THOMAS MANN 1875 - 1955 MINERVA 1997 Page 968 "But we are speaking of two different things. My Majesty speaks of the fetters which the teaching puts upon the thoughts of God; yours refers to priestly statecraft, which divides teaching and knowledge. But Pharaoh would not be arrogant, and there is no greater arrogance than such a division. No, there is no arrogance in the world greater than that of dividing the children of our Father into initiate and uninitiate and teaching double words: all-knowingly for the masses, knowingly in the inner circle. No, we must speak what we know, and witness what we have seen. Pharaoh wants to do nothing but improve the teaching, even though it be made hard for him by the teaching." Page 890 8 x 9 = 72 "In all there were two-and-seventy conspirators privy to the plot. It was a proper and a pregnant number, for there had been just sev-enty-two when red Set lured Usir into the chest. And these seventy-two in their turn had had good cosmic ground to be no more and no less than that number. For it is just that number of groups of five weeks which make up the three hundred and sixty days of the year, not counting the odd days; and there are just seventy-two days in the dry fifth of the year, when the gauge shows that the Nourisher has reached his lowest ebb, and the god sinks into his grave. So where there is conspiracy anywhere in the world it is requisite and custom-ary for the number of conspirators to be seventy-two. And if the plot fail, the failure shows that if this number had not been adhered to it would have failed even worse."
FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS G Hancock 1995 Page 286 "Of all the other stupendous inventions,' Galileo once remarked, what sublimity of mind must have been his who conceived how to communicate his most secret thoughts to any other person, though very distant either in time or place, speaking with those who are in the Indies, speaking to those who are not yet born, nor shall be this thousand or ten thousand years? And with no greater difficulty than the various arrangements of two dozen little signs on paper? Let this be the seal of all the admirable inventions of men.3" Page 287 "What one would look for, therefore, would be a universal language, the kind of language that would be comprehensible to any technologically advanced society in any epoch, even a thousand or ten thousand years into the future. Such languages are few and far between, but mathematics is one of them - and the city of Teotihuacan may be the calling-card of a lost civilization written in the eternal language of mathematics."
THE TIBETAN BOOK OF THE DEAD Or The After Death Experience on the Bardo Plane, according to Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's English Rendering Compiled and edited Edited by W. Y. Evans-Wentz 1960 Facing Preface To The Paperback Edition 'Thou shalt understand that it is a science most profitable, and passing all other sciences, for to learn to die. For a man to know that he shall die, that is common to all men; as much as there is no man that may ever live or he hath hope or trust thereof; but thou shalt find full few that have this calling to learn to die. . . . I shall give thee the mystery of this doctrine; the which shall profit thee greatly to the beginning of ghostly health, and to a stable fundament of all virtues. '- OrologiumSapientiae. 'Against his will he dieth that hath not learned to die. Learn to die and thou shalt learn to live, for there shall none learn to live that hath not learned to die.'-Toure of all Toures: and Teacheth a Man for to Die. The Book of the Craft of Dying (Comper's Edition). '\Vhatever is here, that is there; what is there, the same is here. He who seeth here as different, meeteth death after death. Facing Preface to the Second Edition BONDAGE TO REBIRTH "As a man's desire is, so is his destiny. For as his desire is, so is his will; and as his will is, so is his deed; and as his deed is, so is his reward, whether good or bad. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad FREEDOM FROM REBIRTH 'He who lacketh discrimination, whose mind is unsteady and whose heart is impure, never reacheth the goal, but is born again and again. But he who hath discrimination, whose mind is steady and whose heart is pure, reacheth the goal, and having reached it is born no more.' Katha U panishad. Page xi SRI KRISHNA'S REMEMBERING 'Many lives Arjuna, you and I have lived. I remember them all but thou dost not.' Bhagavad Gita, iv, 5., iv, 5. Page xx "......... Denison........."
INCARNATION THE DEAD RETURN Daniel Easterman 1998 Page 99 "........David........." Page 3 "The old man's name was Dennison"
CLOSER TO THE LIGHT Melvin L. Morse and Paul Perry 1990 Page 78 SPIRIT IN MEDICINE CONJURED DEATHS AND ANCIENT RULERS "Deep in an underground chamber
a solemn group of men is seeking guidance from death. They are
dressed in white robes and chanting softly around a casket that
is sealed with wax. One of their members is steadfastly counting
to himself, carefully marking the time. After about eight minutes,
the casket is opened, and the man who nearly suffocated inside
is revived by the rush of fresh air. He tells the men around him
what he saw. As he passed out from lack of oxygen, he saw a light
that became brighter and larger as he sped toward it through a
tunnel. From that light came a radiant person in white who delivered
a message of eternal life. Page 82 The Tibetan Book of the Dead gives the dying person con-trol over his own death and rebirth; The Tibetans, who be-lieved in reincarnation, felt that the dying person could influence his own destiny. The Tibetans called. this book Bardo Thodol, or "Liberation by Hearing on the After-Death Plane." It was meant to be read after death to help the de-ceased find the right path. Part of what the priest is supposed
to read goes like this: "Thy own intellect, which is now
voidness. . . thine own consciousness, not formed into anything,
in reality void. . .will first experience the Radiance of the
Fundamental Clear Light of Pure Reality. "Their Song of the Dead reads
like a poetic version of a near-death experience. It practically
scores off the top of the scale of the Near-Death Experience Validity
Scale developed by researcher Kenneth Ring. The Song reads like
this: It ended with his heart transformed into a star. All of these cultures believed they left their bodies and embarked on a spiritual voyage, a journey that had the same traits as that of Katie, who nearly drowned in that swimming pool in Idaho."
Reports of Mark Twain's Quote About His Own Death Are Greatly ... You've probably heard that Twain once said, “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated,” "Chapters from My Autobiography", The North American Review, 21 September 1906, p. 160. ... Misquote: The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.
The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated | Define The reports ...
Mark Twain The text of a cable sent by Mark Twain from London to the press in the United States after his obituary had been mistakenly published.
THE STARGATE CONSPIRACY Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince 1999 Epilogue The Real Stargate Page 340 Number omitted "The Star gate Conspiracy became, for us, a profoundly unsettling detective story, a 'case' that, whether we like it or not, involves all of us as the end times machine swings into action. But inevitably, having exposed the intricate layers of human agenda behind the mysteries of Egypt and Mars, we ourselves may appear to be resolutely sceptical on all matters spiritual or mystical. This is not so. Fortunately, as our investigation proceeded, certain lines of research opened up a completely new angle on many of the most intractable mysteries discussed in this book, enabling us to offer an elegant, exciting - and unashamedly otherworldly - solution to those problems. Originally we had intended to concentrate much more on the Heliopolitan religion, and had spent many months researching the Pyramid Texts and other material, but because we soon discovered the existence of the conspiracy, our early research was very largely put aside. However, when we began to delve into the work of Andrija Pulharich on shamanism, it reminded us of certain elements repeated throughout the Pyramid Texts, and gradually a revolutionary posssibility began to take shape in our minds / Page 341/ minds. We noted that Puharich himself linked the shamanic experience, the use of psychoactive substances and the Heliopolitan religion, although he failed to develop the idea in print (no matter how far he may have taken it privately). And we were also fascinated by the implications of the fact that the CIA have spent so much time and resources on experimenting with shamanic techniques and mind-altering drugs. The Pyramid Texts suggested to us that the afterlife journey of the king could also describe the astral flight characteristic of shamanism. Excitingly, the latest anthropological research into the phenomenon of shamanism could well provide the key to understanding the mystery of the extraordinarily advanced knowledge of the ancient Egyptians and the secrets of the Heliopolitan religion. The breakthrough Shamans are what used to be called medicine men and women, natural-born psychics who are nevertheless highly trained to interpret dreams, heal the sick and guide people through knowledge that comes to them during their ecstatic trances. They are found in what are generally taken to be 'primitive' tribal societies, from Siberia to the Amazonian rain forest. These adepts take shamanic 'flights' out of the body into the realms normally inaccessible to mankind and return with" specific information of great practical use. In 1995 a remarkable book was published in Switzerland entitled Le serpent cosmique, l'ADN et les origines du savior (The Cosmic Serpent, DNA and the Origins of Knowledge) by Swiss anthropologist Jeremy Narby. (It was first published in English in 1998.) It presents the results of Narby's personal study of Amazonian shamans, and reveals the remarkable scope of the information shamans glean during the ecstatic trances they induce by taking natural hallucinogenic substances, primarily one called ayahuasca. From this research, Narby developed a / Page342 / theory about the origins;of that knowledge that - we believe - has enormous significance for an investigation of the mysteries of ancient Egypt. In the mid-t980s Narby was studying for his doctorate among the indigenous people of the Peruvian Amazon, working on an enviromental project. Like many before him he soon became fascinated by the astounding botanical knowledge of these so called 'primilitive' people, specifically their medicinal use of certain rare plants. He was impressed by the range of plantderived mediciines used by the tribal shamans - ayahuasqueros and by their effectiveness, especially after they cured a long - standing back problem which European doctors had proved completely incapable of treating. The more he learned, the more intrigued he became about the ways in which the Amazonian natives, had developed or acquired this knowledge. The odds against them coming up with even one of these recipes by chance or even by experimentation are simply overwhelming. There are some 80,000 species of plants in the Amazonian rain forest, so to discover an effective remedy using a mixture of just two of them would theoretically require the testing of every possible combination - about 3,700,000,000 It does not end there: many of their medicines involve several plants, and even then such a calculation does not allow for experimentation with the often extremely complex procedures necessary to extract the active ingrediants and produce a potent mixture One good example of this mysterious medicinal knowledge is ayahuasca itself, a combination of just two plants. The first come from the leaves of a shrub and contains a hormone naturally sectreted in the human brain, dimethyltryptamine a powerful hal-ucinogen only discovered by Western science in 1979. If taken orally, though, it is broken down by an enzyme in the stomach and becomes totally ineffective, so the second component of ayahuasca, extracted from a creeper, contains several substances that protect the dimethyltryptamine from that specific enzyme; In effect, ayahuasca is a designer drug, made to order. It is as if the exact requirements of the mixture were specified in / Page 343 / advance, then the correct ingredients chosen to meet the requirements. But how? How could anyone, even sophisticated Westem botanists, have found the perfect ingredients without spending decades - perhaps even centuries - on trial and error? How can the 'primitive' Amazonian natives have known the properties of these two plants? After all, the odds against them coming up with this combination by accident are truly astronomical. As Narby writes So here are people without electron microscopes who choose, among some 80,000 Amazonian plant species, the leaves of a bush containing a hallucinogenic brain hormone, which they combine with a vine containing substances thatinactivate an enzyme of the digestive tract, which would. otherwise block the hallucinogenic effect. And they do this to modify their consciousness. It is as if they' knew about the molecular properties of plants and the art of combining them, and when one asks them how they know these things, they say their knowledge comes directly from hallucinogenic plants.1 Another example given by Narby is that of curare.2 This powerful nerve poison is another 'made-to-order' drug, whose ingredients this time come from several different plants and fit a very precise set of requirements. As Narby points out, the natives needed a substance that, when smeared on the tips of blowpipe darts, would not only kill the animal but also ensure that it would fall to the ground.. Tree monkeys, for example, if shot with an unpoisoned arrow, often tighten their grip on the branches with a reflex action and so die out of reach of the hunter. The meat itself would, of course, have to be free from poison and safe to eat. It seemed like a very tall order, but curare fits all these requirements: it is a muscle relaxant (killing by arresting the respiratory muscles); it is only effective when injected into the bloodstreamhence its delivery by blowpipe; and it has no effect when taken orally. Page 344 The invention of curare is a truly astounding thing. The most common type requires a complex method of preparation in which several plants are boiled for three days, during which lethal fumes are produced. And the final result needs a specific piece of technology - the blowpipe - to deliver it. How was all this discovered in the first place? The problem becomes even more baffling when it is realised that forty different types of curare are used across the Amazon rain forest, all with the same properties but each using slightly different ingredients as the same plants do not grow in every region. Therefore, in effect, curare was invented forty times. The Western world only learned of it in the 1940s, when it first began to be used as a muscle relaxant during surgery. The Amazonians themselves do not claim to have inventedcurare, but that it was given to them by the spirits, through their shamans. These are just two examples from a vast range of vegetable mixtures used by the peoples of the Amazon, the full extent of which has not yet been catalogued by modern botanists. Realising that it was nonsense to suggest that these complex recipes could have been achieved by experimentation, Narby began to ask local people and shamans how they had acquired this knowledge. They told him that the properties of plants and the recipes for combining them are given directly to the shaman by very powerful spirit entities while he is in ecstatic trance under the influence of hallucinogens such as ayahuasca. (Of course this raises a fascinating chicken-and-egg type of problem. If the shamans discovered the secret properties of ayahuasca only by ingesting it, how did they know about them in the first place ?) This realisation led Narby on to his own personal quest to research this neglected aspect of shamanism, which included taking ayahuasca himself. Many anthropologists before Narby had recorded the claim that the shaman obtains knowledge by the ingestion of hallucinogens, but none had ever taken this seriously enough to follow it up. He found that this was a shared feature of Page 345 / shamanism across, the world and that the tribes ascribe the origins and the techniques of their culture to knowledge gleaned by their shamans while in ecstatic trance, during which they encounter guiding entities who teach them. Narby himself, on his first experience with ayahuasca, encountered 'a pair of giganticsnakes that lectured him on his insignificance as a human being and the limits of his knowledge, which turned out to be an important personal turning point. He began to question his Western preconceptions and approached his subsequent studies in a more open-minded and less scientifically arroganfway. His own book is itself an example of the way in which the shamanic experience can impart new knowledge. Narby writes that the serpents induced thoughts in his mind that he was incapable of having himself.3 The properties and methods of combining plants to achieve specific results are not the only things communicated through the trance state by spiritual entities in this way. The Amazonian tribes ascribe their knowledge of specific techniques, such as the art of weaving, and their mastery of woodworking, to the same source. What the shamans receive while in trance is useful knowledge that often, in the case of healing, actually saves lives. Aside from the question of the reality of such entities, the very idea of obtaining practical tips and actual information by such a method is, to our culture, absurd. Tliere are, surely, only two ways of obtaining knowledge: it is either worked out in logical steps by experiment or trial-and-error; or it is taught by someone who, or some other culture which, has already worked it out. This, in a nutshell, forms the problem of the origins of the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, such as how they built the 'impossible' Great Pyramid. Techniques appeared to come out of nowhere, without any apparent process of logical or historical development. Since no archaeological evidence of stage-by-stage technological development has been found, it can be assumed that the process never occurred. This may seem crazy, but where are all the failed pyramids 'predating those of the Old Kingdom? The only alternative seems to be that the ancient Egyptians / Page 346 / learned their techniques whole and fully formed from somebody else - a lost civilisation, or visiting extraterrestrials perhaps. What if there is a third way of obtaining useful and unique information: the way of the shaman, where knowledge is somehow obtained directly from its source? The extraordinary botanical knowledge of the Amazonian peoples forms, in fact, an exact parallel to the building expertise of the ancient Egyptians. Not only should it lie beyond the skills of their time and place, but it also stands far in advance of today's scientific knowledge. Questions and answers Shamanism is considered to be a phenomenon of primitive societies, those who still live at-roughly the level of the Stone Age while surrounded by the extreme sophistication of the modern world. It was outgrown by the 'advanced' cultures thousands of years ago. However, can we imagine that shamanic rituals could be practised as a culture moved from primitive to advanced, perhaps at an even more sophisticated level than is found in today's Amazonian rain forest? If such a phenomenon could be conceived, what would be the limits of the knowledge obtained through the shamans' curious art? Several writers have recently noted clear signs of shamanistic influence at work in ancient Egypt. Andrew Collins, for example, has written of the shamanistic nature of the 'Elder Culture' that he believes was responsible for the great achievements of Egypt, but he has also surmised that they developed the advanced techniques that enabled them to build the pyramids and carve the Great Sphinx.4 Could the priesthood of Heliopolis have been in essence a college of shamans, free to apply their closely guarded techniques for purposes of pure research? Could the shamanic hypothesis explain how the pyramid builders knew how to quarry, transport, shape and position immense blocks of stone, among many other baffling examples of their knowledge? Page 347 This would also account for an aspect of the ancient Egyptians' knowledge that has not been properly explored - its curiously selective nature. While they are justly famed for their mysterious expertise in pyramid building, there are certain areas that - perhaps bizarrely - appear to have been unknown arts to them. We have noted that, despite "the use of colossal granite and limestone blocks and the extraordinary skill used in shaping them, the walls of the Valley Temple at Giza Have been built in an oddly primitive way. And one sophisticated architectural feature completely missing in ancient Egypt was the arch. Perhaps this is because the development of the arch requires a conceptual leap, and its construction requires a theoretical knowledge of weight distribution: Maybe this is also the reason why the Egyptians do not seem to have mastered the art of bridge-building. Recently French Egyptologist Jean Kerisel has argued persuasively that cracks in the granite slabs forming the ceiling of the King's Chamber were not, as previously-thought, the result of an earthquake, but happened while the Great Pyramid was actually under construction.5 This, he suggests, was because the builders did not understand the consequences of working with two materials limestove and granite - of different composition, which would compress at different rates under the enormous weight of stonepressingdown on them. (If Kerisel is correct, this would also cast doubt on the theory that the cavities above the' King's Chamber were intended as stress-relieving chambers for the building.) We have observed the Amazonian shaman's receive specific answers to specific questions, such as the herbal recipe for the cure for a specific illness, but rarely more or less than is needed. The same appears to be true of the Egyptians, who appear to have had information only about, for example, ways of moving huge blocks of stone. Because bridges and arches needed new concepts of building, they never asked the right questions in order to be told how to build them. Could this be how the Dogon have such otherwise inexplicable knowledge of the Sirius system? If the Amazonian shamans can / Page 348 / They talk of a ladder - or a vine, a rope, a spiral staircase, a twisted rope ladder - that connects heaven and earth and which they use to gain access to the world of spirits. They consider these spirits have come from the sky and to have created life on earth. 7 This imagery is found in the ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. For example, in Utterance 478 - which speaks of Isis as the personification of the ladder - it says: As for any spirit or any god who will help me when I ascend to the sky on the ladder of the god; my bones are assembled for me, my limbs are gathered together for me, and I leap up to the sky in the presence of the god of the Lord of the ladder.8" And another utterance says: A ladder is knotted together by Re before Osiris, a ladder is knotted together by Horns before his father Osiris when he goes to his spirit, one of them being on this side and one of them being on that, while I am between them.9 Ascension to the Milky Way is a central theme of the Pyramid Texts; in Colombia the ayahuasca vine is known as the 'ladder to the Milky Way'.10 Recognising the concept of shamanism in the Pyramid Texts radically changes our understanding of the ancient Egyptians and their religion - and perhaps even the whole nature of human potential. Could it be that the central 'ascension of the king' is not the description of his afterlife journey as is always believed, but the shamanic flight to the 'otherworld' - the realm of guiding spirits - that is undertaken in life? The two are not mutually exclusive, for the shamans know that the realm they enter when entranced is the portal to the eternal world of light where the spirits of the dead are taken, so the Pyramid Texts / Page 350 / can be read as a description of both the shamanic and afterlife journeys. Traditionally, the journeying shaman is believed to have actually died, to be resurrected when his soul returns. Although shamans are very special people, born with a natural psychic gift, they are nevertheless required to undergo fearsome initiations by ordeal, the horrors of which impinge on both the physical and spiritual levels. A classic feature of the shamanic initiation is a hellish out-of-the-body experience in which they appear to be torn limb from limb, after which they are magically reassembled. As Stanislav Grof writes: "The career of many shamans start by the powerful experiences of unusual states of consciousness with the sense of going into the underworld, being attacked, dismembered, and then being put back together, and ascending to the supernal realm.11 This is strikingly reminiscent of the story of Osiris, with whom the king in the Pyramid Texts is identified, who is cut into pieces by the evil god Set, but magically reassembled by his lover Isis in order to father the hawk god Horus, who is in turn regarded as the reincarnation of Osiris as well as his son. As we have seen in the extract from Utterance 478, Isis is identified with the legendary ladder, up which the reassembled king climbs to heaven clearly, a classic shamanic image. The role of Isis is particularly interesting because it portrays the feminine principle as being essential to the shamanic journey. In fact, the whole concept of female initiates has been sadly neglected, but perhaps for unexpected reasons. At a London conference in October 1996 called The Incident, Jeremy Narby was questioned on why all the shamans he had mentioned in his talk were men. He replied that specially selected women often sit with the ayahuasqueros as, fuelled with the drug, they embark on their out-of-the-body adventures. The women actually accompany them and share in their experience, and afterwards, when !hey have returned to normal consciousness, help them to / Page 351 / remember what took place in those other realms. But the important point is that the women do all this without taking ayahuasca. Page 351 continues Clearly, the female companions of the shamans have no need of chemical aids for their spiritual flights. Why is not known, possibly because women's roles have traditionally been of less interest to anthropologists. The mathematician, cyberneticist and mythologist Charles Muses has written extensively on shamanism. (As with most of his non-New Age / mystical writings under the pseudonym of 'Musaios', these are particularly incisive and persuasive.) He has noted the nature of its essential significance: The point of shamanism is really not ecstasy, 'archaic' or otherwise, or even 'healing', but rather the development of communication with a community of higher than human beings and a modus operandi for attaining an eventual transmutation to more exalted states and paths.12 Muses goes on to make the explicit parallel between this, the underlying objective of shamanism, and the religion of ancient Egypt. He equates the Duat - the afterlife realm to which the king travels - of the Pyramid Texts, not with a mythical otherworld but with the Tibetan Bardo, where spirits live between incarnations and which certain special people can visit during life.13 The Pyramid Texts also speak of the 'deceased' being transformed into a 'body of light' (aker), which again may imply more than a straightforward afterlife existence. Charles Muses says: ,'The acquisition of a higher body by an individual-meant also, by that very token, the possibility of communicating with beings already so endowed.'14 In other words, anyone with a higher body can communicate with anyone else who exists in the light., Shamans, during their trips to the invisible realm, can make contact with all the higher beings who live there. In our opinion, Jeremy Narby's ground-breaking work on shamanism has important implications for some of the recent / Page 352 / theories concerning the origins of Egyptian wisdom, particularly those of the 'ancient astronaut' school. Proponents of such hypotheses, such as Alan F. Alford, tend to treat the myths and religious writings, such as the Pyramid Texts, in an excessively literal way. When the ancients tell us of meetings with partanimal, part-man entities, who descend to Earth or to whom the priest ascends, and who impart specific information, such researchers assume these to be garbled stories of actual meetings with exotic beings from outer space, making gods of astronauts. Shamans living in the Amazonian rain forest today regularly describe identical experiences - sometimes under the watchful gaze of anthropologists - without the least suggestion of a descending spaceship or visitors from a lost continent. But who are the entities from whom shamans have always received their invaluable knowledge? It is possible that we will never be able to answer that question fully. Even shamans know that some mysteries and secrets are never meant to be understood. But once again, the work of Jeremy Narby may provide certain exciting clues about what it is that shamans - from ancient Heliopolis to today - tap into when they enter their exalted states of consciousness. Narby noted that the visions of shamans across the world shared certain key images, the most fundamental being that of twin serpents that live inside every creature. The penny finally dropped for him when he read about Michael Harner's experience in 1961. He saw winged, dragonlike creatures who explained to him that they 'had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinous forms. . . I learned that the dragon-like creatures were thus inside all forms of life, including man' .15 Harner himself wrote that 'one could say they were almost like DNA', but added that he had no Idea where the vision came from - certainly not from his own mind, as at that time he knew nothing about DNA. Whatever the origin of the words, this was to be a major inspiration: Narby realised that the image of 'serpents' living inside every living thing is, in fact, an excellent description of the strands of DNA. ANDDNAANDDNAANDDNAANDDNAANDDNAANDDNA Page 353 Shamans ascribe the source of their remarkable knowledge to these twin serpents, like the two Narby himself encountered. Could it be that the 'primitive' belief that all living things are animated by the same single principle, described in this ubiquitous serpentine imagery, is actually correct and that what it has always described is DNA? Narby cites numerous examples, from ancient myths and the shamanistic lore of 'primitive' cultures from Peru to Australia, to support his superb connection between the ser- pents and DNA. The shamans insist that the 'serpents' possess consciousness and that they enter into real dialogue with them.The shamans are, in reality, somehow communicating with DNA, the implication is that it must be intelligent: the DNA of the ayahuasca plants, for example, must 'know' its own properties, but will only impart them to the shaman in answer to specific questions. This means that the DNA has to understand the question and be able to communicate with the shaman's own DNA. Can the DNA of one individual living creature really communicate with that of another? Narby"s theory still has a long way to go. For example, it is hard to see how intelligent DNA can explain the knowledge the shamans receive about specific techniques, such as weaving or mixing curare. The important achievement is that he has shown that shamans derive usable information by mental contact with some nonhuman source. And they do appear to be in touch with the 'gods', or at least some strange beings who exist in another dimension and share their undoubted powers with them. Another very significant aspect of Narby's research is his identification of a common feature throughout the shamanistic cultures (and ancient myths):. divine twins as the bringers of wisdom, 'the theme of double beings of celestial origin and creators of life' .16 He points out, for example, quoting from Claude Levi-Strauss, that the Aztec word coatl, as in the name Quetzalcoatl, mean both 'snake' and 'twin' (Quetzalcoatl can be interpreted as either 'feathered serpent' or 'magnificent twin'.) Narby believes that the 'twin serpents' so often encountered during shamanic flights and which he himself experienced / Page 354 / represent the two strands of the double helix of DNA," Page 354 (Continues) "This reminds us of the two sets of twins in the Heliopolitan religion (Isis and Osiris, Nepthys and Set) as well as the Nommo of the Dogon, as described in Robert Temple's The Sirius Mystery, who are also made up of sets of twins and descend to earth to civilise mankind.18 Again, Narby's shamanic theory provides an elegant and, in our view, much more plausible- alternative to the ubiquitous 'ancient astronaut' explanation for these myths. Perhaps DNA has other secrets to impart. The genetic code in the human genome is made up of just 3 per cent of its total DNA - the function of the rest is unknown, and is officially termed 'junk DNA'. Narby suggests that a better term would be 'mystery DNA'.19 How many 'miracles' and how much potential does the other 97 per cent encompass? 'Spirits from the sky' Narby's ideas about DNA and shamanism throw a completely new light on hitherto intractable historical mysteries. Were the outline drawings of animals and birds on the sands of Nazca in Peru meant to be guides to and celebrations of the shaman's flight? Did the Dogon discover the secrets of Sirius simply by asking their shamans' spirit guides? Were the massive stone blocks that make up the giant pyramids of Egypt manoeuvred into place according to the advice of the 'gods' visited by their priests in trance? Significantly the flight of the shaman also enables him to visit far distant places and later describe what he saw and heard there in other words, remote viewing. This aspect of shamanism particularly intrigued anthropologist Kenneth Kensinger, who tested it among the ayahuasqueros of the Amazon and found that they were able to 'bring back' accurate information about distant places, as well as tell him about the death of a relative before he heard about it himself.20 (Andrija Puharich also studied the remote-viewing potential of shamans, as described in Chapter 6.) / Page 355 / We asked Jeremy Narby if he agreed with us that his ideas could account for the extraordinary knowledge implicit in the building of the pyramids. He pointed out that the Aztecs, Incas and Maya had constructed comparable temples, and that 'the double serpent, or Quetzalcoatl, or Viracocha, or whatever figure you take depending on the culture, teaches about curing, healing and plants, but also about astronomy, building techniques, technology - arts and crafts in general. '21 Page 355 "Narby was cautious about stepping outside his field of specialism. But was there really an ancient Egyptian equivalent of ayahuasca - and if so, what was it? Synchronistically, the Channel 4 television series, Sacred Weeds, went far in answering this question. This four-part series, first shown in August 1998, featured the use of natural hallucinogens in sacred practices such as shamanism. The final programme attempted to rediscover what some believed to be an ancient Egyptian ritual drug, the blue waterlily. Although now very rare, this plant was commonly used both recreationally and ritually by the ancient Egyptians. It is frequently depicted in wall paintings and papyri, and even fobms the design of the pillars of the great temple at Karnak. Egyptologists believed it to have been merely decorative, but the programme set out to determine if it had a psychoactive effect, which may well have been exploited in ancient Egypt. Interestingly, the lily was specifically associated with Ra-Atum. Seeing the way the plant flowers, shooting a long stem out of the water which then bursts into an open flower, it is easy to see the symbolic association with Atum's bursting forth from the primeval waters. As tested on two volunteers, an extract from the blue lily proved to have the suspected narcotic effect. Towards the end of the programme historian Michael Carmichael, an American living in Oxford who is a specialist in the shamanic use of psychoactive plants, discussed the possibility that, in higher doses, it could be used to induce shamanic experiences. We contacted Carmichael, who worked with R. Gordon Wasson, one of the pioneers of research into the shamanic use of / Page 356 / drugs (see Chapter 5). He told us that there is abundant evidence for the use - of psychoactive drugs in ancient. Egypt, saying, 'there are so many that I don't know where to begiin'.22 Several are mentioned in the Ebers Papyrus (c.1500 BCE, the oldest known medical text in the world). They are known to have included opium (imported from Crete),- mandrake and cannabis. The psychoactive substances used by ancient cultures, includinge Egypt, have been studied by several researchers. Little if anything of: this has found its way into the Egyptological literature Because of its characteristic extreme conservatism.23
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Sir Gawain first page 670x990.jpg Author Country Language Genre Publication date e Kny?t) is a late 14th-century Middle English chivalric romance. It is one of the best known Arthurian stories, with its plot combining two types of folklore motifs, the beheading game and the exchange of winnings. Written in stanzas of alliterative verse, each of which ends in a rhyming bob and wheel,[1] it draws on Welsh, Irish, and English stories, as well as the French chivalric tradition. It is an important example of a chivalric romance, which typically involves a hero who goes on a quest which tests his prowess, and it remains popular to this day in modern English renderings from J. R. R. Tolkien, Simon Armitage, and others, as well as through film and stage adaptations. It describes how Sir Gawain, a knight of King Arthur's Round Table, accepts a challenge from a mysterious "Green Knight" who challenges any knight to strike him with his axe if he will take a return blow in a year and a day. Gawain accepts and beheads him with his blow, at which the Green Knight stands up, picks up his head and reminds Gawain of the appointed time. In his struggles to keep his bargain, Gawain demonstrates chivalry and loyalty until his honour is called into question by a test involving Lady Bertilak, the lady of the Green Knight's castle. The poem survives in a single manuscript, the Cotton Nero A.x., which also includes three religious narrative poems: Pearl, Purity and Patience. All are thought to have been written by the same unknown author, dubbed the "Pearl Poet" or "Gawain Poet", since all four are written in a North West Midland dialect of Middle English.[2][3] SYNOPSIS In Camelot on New Year's Day, King Arthur's court is exchanging gifts and waiting for the feasting to start when the king asks first to see or hear of an exciting adventure. A gigantic figure, entirely green in appearance and riding a green horse, rides unexpectedly into the hall. He wears no armour but bears an axe in one hand and a holly bough in the other. Refusing to fight anyone there on the grounds that they are all too weak to take him on, he insists he has come for a friendly "Christmas game": someone is to strike him once with his axe on condition that the Green Knight may return the blow in a year and a day.[4] The splendid axe will belong to whoever takes him on. Arthur himself is prepared to accept the challenge when it appears no other knight will dare, but Sir Gawain, youngest of Arthur's knights and his nephew, begs for the honour instead. The giant bends and bares his neck before him and Gawain neatly beheads him in one stroke. However, the Green Knight neither falls nor falters, but instead reaches out, picks up his severed head and remounts, holding up his bleeding head to Queen Guinevere while its writhing lips remind Gawain that the two must meet again at the Green Chapel. He then rides away. Gawain and Arthur admire the axe, hang it up as a trophy and encourage Guinevere to treat the whole matter lightly. As the date approaches, Sir Gawain sets off to find the Green Chapel and keep his side of the bargain. Many adventures and battles are alluded to (but not described) until Gawain comes across a splendid castle where he meets Bertilak de Hautdesert, the lord of the castle, and his beautiful wife, who are pleased to have such a renowned guest. Also present is an old and ugly lady, unnamed but treated with great honour by all. Gawain tells them of his New Year's appointment at the Green Chapel and that he only has a few days remaining. Bertilak laughs, explains that the start of the path that will take him to the Green Chapel is less than two miles away and proposes that Gawain rest at the castle till then. Relieved and grateful, Gawain agrees. Before going hunting the next day Bertilak proposes a bargain: he will give Gawain whatever he catches on the condition that Gawain give him whatever he might gain during the day. Gawain accepts. After Bertilak leaves, Lady Bertilak visits Gawain's bedroom and behaves seductively, but despite her best efforts he yields nothing but a single kiss in his unwillingness to offend her. When Bertilak returns and gives Gawain the deer he has killed, his guest gives a kiss to Bertilak without divulging its source. The next day the lady comes again, Gawain again courteously foils her advances, and later that day there is a similar exchange of a hunted boar for two kisses. She comes once more on the third morning, this time offering Gawain a gold ring as a keepsake. He gently but steadfastly refuses but she pleads that he at least take her belt, a girdle of green and gold silk which, the lady assures him, is charmed and will keep him from all physical harm. Tempted, as he may otherwise die the next day, Gawain accepts it, and they exchange three kisses. That evening, Bertilak returns with a fox, which he exchanges with Gawain for the three kisses – but Gawain says nothing of the girdle. The next day, Gawain binds the belt twice around his waist. He finds the Green Knight sharpening an axe and, as promised, Gawain bends his bared neck to receive his blow. At the first swing Gawain flinches slightly and the Green Knight belittles him for it. Ashamed of himself, Gawain doesn’t flinch with the second swing; but again the Green Knight withholds the full force of his blow. The knight explains he was testing Gawain's nerve. Angrily Gawain tells him to deliver his blow and so the knight does, causing only a slight wound on Gawain's neck. The game is over. Gawain seizes his sword, helmet and shield, but the Green Knight, laughing, reveals himself to be the lord of the castle, Bertilak de Hautdesert, transformed by magic. He explains that the entire adventure was a trick of the 'elderly lady' Gawain saw at the castle, who is actually the sorceress Morgan le Fay, Arthur's sister, who intended to test Arthur's knights and frighten Guinevere to death.[5] Gawain is ashamed to have behaved deceitfully but the Green Knight laughs and professes him the most blameless knight in all the land. The two part on cordial terms. Gawain returns to Camelot wearing the girdle as a token of his failure to keep his promise. The Knights of the Round Table absolve him of blame and decide that henceforth that they will wear a green sash in recognition of Gawain's adventure and as a reminder to be always honest.
ymbolism: The Pentangle in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight The narrator of Sir Gawain is very clear about what the pentangle (five-pointed star) on Gawain's shield represents: As an emblem of fidelity, and justly so; These five ways in which Gawain is virtuous are in the dexterity of his five fingers, the perfection of his five senses, his devotion to the five wounds of Christ, his reflection on the five joys of Mary in Christ and, finally, five virtues: generosity, fellowship, chastity, courtesy, and charity. Wow, that’s a lot of virtue. The pentangle is an appropriate representation of these five areas of virtue because each of the five sides of the pentangle transitions seamlessly into the next. This aspect of its geometry might represent the way in which the virtues are interrelated, each area feeding into and supporting the other.
22 Feb 2018 - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight places a large emphasis on the number five. The Pentangle (pent = five) represents five groups of five, giving us a total of 25 aspects or characteristics that make up the concept of chivalric Truth.
The ideals of Christian morality and knightly chivalry are brought together in Gawain's symbolic shield. The pentangle represents the five virtues of knights: friendship, generosity, chastity, courtesy, and piety. ... On his quest for the Green Chapel, Gawain travels from Camelot into the wilderness. The Five Virtues of Chivalry exemplified by the Pentangle in Sir ... This analytical essay nowadayss information about the five virtuousnesss of gallantry that are exemplified by the Pentangle in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Symbolism of the Pentangle in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ... 22 Feb 2018 - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight places a large emphasis on the number five. The Pentangle (pent = five) represents five groups of five, giving us a total of 25 aspects or characteristics that make up the concept of chivalric Truth.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight-MUSEUM PAGE csis.pace.edu/grendel/projs4a/gawain.htm Gawain grabs the Green Knight's ax firmly and chops off his head. ... strengthened by the five joys that the Virgin Mary had in Jesus (The Annunciation, Nativity, ...
"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight"? - eNotes.com The point in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight at which the number five is most clearly seen symbolized is when Gawain is given his shield that is painted with a ...
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Notes - UCA | Faculty 7 Sep 2005 - Sir Gawain's 5 × 5 Virtues. His Search for the Green Knight; His Arrival and Welcome at the Castle; His Meeting with the Inhabitants and His ...
Sir Gawain's Shield and the Quest for Perfection Essay | Bartleby Sir Gawain's Shield and the Quest for Perfection Essay. 1134 Words 5 Pages. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a religious allegory full of Christian symbolism ...
UNCONDITIONAL LIFE MASTERING THE FORCES THAT SHAPE PERSONAL REALITY Deepak Chopra 1991 A Mirage of Miracles Page 89 "The Mask of Maya" "...denoting the ability of gods to change form, to make worlds, to assume masks and disguises." "Maya also means magic a show of illusions" "Maya also denotes the delusion of thinking that you are seeing reality when in fact you are only seeing a layer of trick effects superimposed upon the real reality True to its deceptive nature, Maya is full of paradoxes. First of all it is everywhere, even though it doesnt exist. It is / Page 90 / often compared with a desert mirage, yet unlike a mirage Maya does not merely float "out there" The Mysterious One is nowhere if not in each person. Finally Maya is not so omnipotent that we cannot control it - and that is the key point Maya is fearfull or diverting all powerful or completely impotent depending on your perspective." "The fearfull illusion becomes a wonderful show if only you can manipulate it."
Daily Mail. Tuesday. March 31, 2015 Page 68 The point of pentangles ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS QUESTION THE pentangle is usually represented as the pentagram, a five-pointed, linear star within a circle, worn or drawn with the point facing up. It served to mark directions in Sumerian texts, dating from about 30BC, and is found in most early cultures. The ancient Greeks established its symbolic status. Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras believed five was the number of perfection, because of the fivefold division of the body (head, arms and legs outstretched) mirroring the division of the soul into fire, water, air, earth and psyche. The Pythagoreans held the pentacle sacred to Hygeia, the goddess of healing. Early Christians wore the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Christ and to symbolise the five senses. In the 14th-century English poem Sir Gawain And The Green Knight, the symbol decorates the shield of the hero, Gawain. The anonymous poet credits the symbol's origin to King Solomon, and explains that each of the five interconnected points represents a virtue tied to a group of five: Gawain is keen in his five senses, dextrous in his five fingers, faithful to the salvation provided through the Five Wounds of Christ, takes courage from the five joys that Mary had of Jesus and exemplifies the five virtues of knighthood. Renaissance-era ritual magicians, Henry Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (14861535) and Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), used the pentagram to represent the perfection of the human body. To Bruno, five was the `number of the soul' because the human form is bound by five outer points. He warned magicians and sorcerers could perform spells by using the pentagram as it was a window to the soul. As Bruno and other Renaissance philosophers and magicians were executed under the Inquisition, perhaps the symbol came to be associated with evil forces. By the mid-19th century, a further distinction had developed among occultists regarding the pentagram's orientation. With a single point upwards it depicted a spirit presiding over the four elements of matter and was essentially 'good'. Occultists and satanists now claimed that the inverted pentagram was evil, the sign of the Devil even. Influential French occultist Eliphas Levi (1810-75) stated: 'A reversed pentagram, with two points projecting upwards, is a symbol of evil and attracts sinister forces because it overturns the proper order of things and demonstrates the triumph of matter over spirit. 'It is the goat of lust attacking the heavens with its horns, a sign execrated by initiates.' Symbolic: Anton LaVey, of the Church of Satan, with an inverted pentangle (image omitted) Brian Cummings, Hay-on-Wye, Powys.
THE NEW VIEW OVER ATLANTIS John Michell 1983 Page 150 "A series of clues to the composition of the final pyramidion at the very apex of the Pyramid begins with an observation in A.E. Berriman's Historical Metrology on the antiquity of the British or Imperial inch. There are a number of old Egyptian weights in the British Museum, and others from Greece and Babylon, whose standard of reference has proved to be the cubic inch of gold. Were it not for the common but inappropriate use of metric units in publishing details of antique weights, that feature would be more generally recognized. Five is the number chiefly associated with the pyramid form; which has five faces and five corners, PYRAMID = 86 = PYRAMID PYRAMID = 41 = PYRAMID PYRAMID = 5 = PYRAMID Five is the number chiefly associated with the pyramid form; which has five faces and five corners,
THE SIRIUS MYSTERY Robert K.G.Temple 1976 Page 82 The Sacred Fifty "We must return to the treatise 'The Virgin of the World'. This treatise is quite explicit in saying that Isis and Osiris were sent to help the Earth by giving primitive mankind the arts of civilization: 'How was it, mother, then, that Earth received God's Efflux?' And Isis said: 'I may not tell the story of (this) birth; for it is not permitted to describe the origin of thy descent, O Horus (son) of mighty power, lest afterwards the way-of-birth of the immortal gods should be known unto men - except so far that God the Monarch, the universal Orderer and Architect, sent for a little while thy mighty sire Osiris, and the mightiest goddess Isis, that they might help the world, for all things needed them. "Page 73 A Fairy Tale 'I INVOKE THEE, LADY ISIS, WITH WHOM THE GOOD DAIMON DOTH UNITE, HE WHO IS LORD IN THE PERFECT BLACK.'
THE SIRIUS MYSTERY Robert K.G.Temple 1976 Page 74 "Mead quotes an Egyptian magic papyrus, this being an uncontested Egyptian document which he compares to a passage in the Trismegistic literature: 'I invoke thee, Lady Isis, with whom the Good Daimon doth unite, He who is Lord in the perfect black. '37 Page 77 "Bearing these books in mind (and I am sure they are there waiting underground like a time bomb for us), it is interesting to read this passage in 'The Virgin of the World' following shortly upon that previously quoted: Page 82 "We must note Stecchini's remarks about Delphi as follows :38
CHEIRO'S BOOK OF NUMBERS Circa 1926 Page106 The question has been asked again and again, Is there some means of knowing when the moment has come to take the tide at the flood?
JUST SIX NUMBERS Martin Rees 1 OUR COSMIC HABITAT PLANETS STARS AND LIFE Page 24 A proton is 1,836 times heavier than an electron, and the number 1,836 would have the same connotations to any 'intelligence'
KEEPER OF GENESIS A QUEST FOR THE HIDDEN LEGACY OF MANKIND Robert Bauval Graham Hancock 1996 Page 254 "...Is there in any sense an interstellar Rosetta Stone? We believe there is a common language that all technical civilizations, no matter how different, must have. That common language is science and mathematics. The laws of Nature are the same everywhere:..."
Eros is one of the four ancient Greco-Christian terms which can be rendered into English as "love". The other three are storge, philia, and agape. Eros refers to ...
Eros | Greek god | Britannica.com In the Theogony of Hesiod (fl. 700 bce), Eros was a primeval god, son of Chaos, the original primeval emptiness of the universe, but later tra
Eros • Facts & Information About Greek God of Love (Cupid) 23 Jan 2017 - In later sources, Eros is the son of Aphrodite and Ares, whose mischievous meddling in the affairs of gods and mortals caused bonds of love to form and drama to unfold. In early Greek poetry and art, Eros was depicted as an adult, handsome male carrying a lyre or a bow and arrow.
Revelation 21:6 ? I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. 1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Gertrude Stein - Wikipedia
John William Burgon[a] (21 August 1813 – 4 August 1888) was an English Anglican divine who became the Dean of Chichester Cathedral in 1876. He is remembered for his passionate defence of the historicity and Mosaic authorship of Genesis and of Biblical inerrancy in general. In 1845 Burgon won the Newdigate Prize for his poem Petra, with topic Petra, the city now Jordan, which he had never seen. An excerpt describing the buildings has often been reprinted: “It seems no work of Man's creative hand,
The poem is now chiefly remembered for the famous final line above, which quotes the phrase "half as old as time" from Samuel Rogers.[4] (This fourteen-line excerpt is often referred to as a "sonnet," but the poem is 370 lines long, in rhymed couplets. Burgon published it, apparently in a small pamphlet, around 1845. A "Second Edition" "To Which a Few Short Poems Are Now Added," was published in 1846;[5] the text above follows it. It contained some revisions: "sanctifies" had been "consecrates"; "call'd" had been "deemed"; "But rosy-red,—as if the blush of dawn" had been "But rose-red as if the blush of dawn", and so on. There was also an 1885 book containing the poem.)
The song is also referred to by the title "Oh, My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose", "My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose" or "Red, Red Rose" and is often published as a poem. Re: Welcome to Axdxcxxxn
A Red, Red Rose My love is like a red, red rose
Re: Welcome to Axdxcxxxn Oh, we're ascending and we'll never die
Red Rose is the fifth and final single from Alphaville's 1986 album, Afternoons in Utopia. It was released in April 1987, and is their ninth single overall. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Rose_(song) Little girl, do you know what you are? You're beautiful, put on your stratoblue suit We'll be together till the end of time Oh, we're ascending and we'll never die Move over, closer to my fantasies Little dreamer, you're the DJ of your soul We'll be together till the end of time Oh, we're ascending and we'll never die Changing 6 to 9 Above the city of the million moons We'll be together till the end of time Oh, we're ascending and we'll never die
Re: Welcome to Axdxcxxxn There are who seek the Father and who the Son but the fulcrum of the Kingdom is Sophia.
SOPHIA 167891 SOPHIA Sophia is a central idea in Hellenistic philosophy and religion, Platonism, Gnosticism, and Christian theology. Originally carrying a meaning of "cleverness, skill", the later meaning of the term, close to the meaning of Phronesis, was significantly shaped by the term philosophy as used by Plato. Wikipedia
Sophia : Goddess of Wisdom - Sisters of EarthSong Sophia was, and is, one of the most worshiped Goddesses. Even today, a huge Sophia cult still exists. Her name means "Wisdom". Sophia is the Greek version ... Her name means "Wisdom". Sophia is the Greek version of her name. Others include: Hohkma (Hebrew) As a biblical figure, she has been described as a co-partner of God and sometimes as THE female God. The early Christians sometimes used her as a metaphor for Christ. Her origins are almost impossible to trace. She can be traced to every era, culture and society. She is the manifestation of the Divine Feminine and can be linked with practically every goddess. Including: Lilith, Isis, Inanna, Hecate, Spider Grandmother, Ishtar, Sekmet, Maat, Hera, Anath, Virgin Mary, Eve, Mary Magdalene, Juno, Tara, Demeter and Persephone. Her feast day is November 28th. She has a sacred shrine in Istanbul, Hagia Sophia, which is one of the 21 finalists for the new 7 wonders of the world. (You can vote for your 7 favorites at www.new7wonders.com). She is symbolized by a dove, crescent moon, stars, a cup or a tree. Russia has always adored and venerated Sophia. They dedicated a cathedral to her in Kiev, The Cathedral of St. Sophia. Many Russians to this day maintain a double faith, in Paganism and Christianity. Sophia is also known as the Grail Goddess. The Grail legend can be traced back to pre-Christianity. A black goddess (Sophia) guards the grail with the interests of the earth at heart. (Interesting note: the grail was originally depicted as a cauldron.) When the Knights Templar were arrested and tortured in October, 1307, they were convicted of heresy. One of the supposed heretical charges was worshiping, BAPHOMET. There have been many different explanations as to what BAPHOMET is. There is one that relates to Sophia. One important piece of information first....The Templars are said to be the protectors of the Grail, which many say is actually the lineage of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. Some believe Sophia came to earth in the body of Mary Magdalene. In the 1980's, a Dead Sea Scholar used the Atbash Cipher, which has been used as far back as 500 B.C.E., to decipher BAPHOMET. He got SOPHIA. In the Gnostic Gospels, Sophia is the creator of the world. She is greater than Jesus. So, did BAPHOMET = goddess worship?
The World's Soul is a Woman – The Gnostic Myth of Sophia | - Gaia 13 Jul 2015 - Why is it that we have this understanding of the benevolent feminine nature of the world, but we don't seem to let it shape our reality the way it ... Long ago (and even today), people knew better, and the knowledge they had (and have) was a kind of “secret knowledge,” called Gnosis, from the Greek ‘to know.’ Although it’s often conflated with early Christianity, Gnosticism isn’t a religion, but rather a way of being in the world – a path to self-realization and integration with a more profound sense of reality. As usual, back in the old days, an understanding that couldn’t be directly expressed intellectually was passed along in the form of a myth, a story that communicates the “secret knowledge” that can only be understood through an experience of the heart, not the head; and the heart is quite literally where The Feminine Divine enters in. The Myth of the Divine Sophia In the Gnostic myth of how the world works, Sophia, the feminine personification of wisdom, lives happily with spirits of light (especially her twin brother), in the unified limitless potential of her Father’s radiance, created by the twin powers of Depth and Silence. She’s so dizzy with love for the Creative Source that when she sees a brilliant shimmering light below, she flings herself down into the darkness, mistakenly following what she believes to be her Father’s radiance, fooled by a mere reflection. There, in the abysmal unrealized potential of the world, she is trapped – separated from the light, the spiritual realization of Gnosis – the knowledge of transcendent unity. Water finds its greatest power by seeking its lowest point. Zen saying There, the powers of the underworld have their way with her, using, abusing, and exploiting her, until all she knows is sadness in the struggle to return herself up to the light she has lost, but not forgotten. She gives birth to a bunch of bad boys, demigods called archons, including the worst of them all, the demiurge who becomes the creator of this world, infecting it with pride, ignorance, fear, and his lust for power and pleasure. But Sophia remains present, and in her resurgent power she brings great beauty and spiritual potential to the earthly realm and its inhabitants. Witnessing the irresponsible creation of the world by her errant offspring, Sophia conceals Consciousness in the body of the demiurge’s first man, “Adam,” and then brings it into the world as “Eve.” Finally, Sophia breaks free and ascends back up to the true light of life, raising humanity with her ever so slightly. But she refuses to abandon the sad world of humans, and so she divides herself, keeping a part below, ever present and available for the enlightenment of all. Here, we may call that Gaia – the consciousness of the world. Back up in the celestial realm of spiritual light, Sophia rediscovers Gnosis by joining her twin brother in a “marriage” of reunification, balancing the masculine ego of unrealized potential, and uniting it with the sacred feminine – made ever more powerful by adversity – into an androgynous whole. A complete person, full with the knowledge of the transcendent, unified light. The Feminine Heart of the Earth This is the sublimely sophis-ticated philo-sophy of the myth of Sophia, a path that leads not only to self-realization, but also to an understanding of the feminine heart and soul of the earth. For it’s only in the feminine–the channel of creation into the world–that humanity finds the power and compassion necessary to overcome the darkness of ignorance. But it just ain’t easy getting there, as any woman struggling in “a man’s world” can tell you, although much less of a problem in the ancient Gnostic world, where, prior to the (ongoing) suppression of the Feminine Divine, women were equal to men in every intellectual and spiritual respect. One Woman, Many Names Sophia ends up being the giver of wisdom in so many forms: She is Shakti in Sanskrit, the powerful Hindu personification of feminine wisdom, and the personal and collective linking soul as atman, realized in the transcendent state of samadhi (Gnosis). She is the compassionate boddhisatva (Avalokiteshvara) in Buddhism, returning to light the path to nirvana (Gnosis); personified by the deity Guanyin. She is both Mother Mary, in her ascendant form, and Mary Magdalene, as the earthly companion of the Christ potential in Christian Gnosticism. In Jungian psychology, she is the unifying power (“individuation”) of both the feminine and masculine archetypes, anima and animus, and of the lower self of the psyche with the higher spiritual self (Gnosis). So you see, Sophia really gets around; or as my late uncle (by marriage), the great Jungian psychologist and philosopher, James Hillman put it: She is the Sophia of wisdom, the Maria of compassion, the Persephone of destruction, compelling Necessity and Fate, and the Muse. Modern Psychological Understanding What may be most remarkable about the myth of Sophia, is the way it foreshadows?and even predetermines? what we think of as modern psychological understanding. Carl Jung recognized it as a myth of reflection that reflected collective and individual psychology – not just as the metaphor of following “God’s reflection” down into the abyss as an act of necessary self-centeredness and hubris, eventually leading to a humble redemption; Jung also recognized the myth of Sophia as the precursor of a many-layered structural pathology of both our individual search for health and wholeness, and of the cultural and spiritual potential of humankind. He saw the myth as an illuminating structure, which, when shined on the collective unconscious, could guide the realization of human spiritual evolution; and the metaphor as what Joseph Campbell called, “a psychologically affective image transparent to transcendence.” Finding the Way Back Up So don’t be afraid to share a dance with Sophia – she’s quite a girl, I promise. Allow her to take you to that place down across the tracks that we all must visit, where we become painfully separated from our true potential, and exiled from what we are really capable of becoming. From there, she can show you the way back up, the way to get in touch with your divinely feminine soul (the soul of the world), and unify it with the willful (but powerful and promising) masculine aspect of ego. Then, the separation becomes a matrimonial solution, where you may discover that the myth is the means to learning the whole secret – of you, of me, of us, and of a whole world. Those favored by the grace of Sophia may devote their lives to offering active service in the public arena, or, again, they may simply bring the compassionate light of Sophia to bear upon the private human tasks of their daily lives. Dr. Stephan Hoeller Discovering the higher self is an important part of ascension. The following programs can help you on your journey when you become a member of Gaia. Sign up today and watch:
THE RISE AND FALL OF ANCIENT EGYPT The History of a Civilisation from 3000 BC to Cleopatra Toby Wilkinson 2010 Page 30 DIVINE RIGHT (5000-2175 BC In total, Atum and his immediate descendants numbered nine deities, three times three expressing the the ancient Egyptian concept of completeness.
THE HERMETICA THE LOST WISDOM OF THE PHARAOHS Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy To the Memory of Giordano Bruno 1548 - 1600 Mundus Nihil Pulcherrimum The World is a Beautiful Nothing Page 23 "Although we have used the familiar term 'God' in the explanatory notes which accompany each chapter, we have avoided this term in the text itself. Instead we have used 'Atum - one of the ancient Egyptian names for the Supreme One God."
Page 45 The Being of Atum "Atum is Primal Mind." Page 45 The Being of Atum Give me your whole awareness, and concentrate your thoughts, for Knowledge of Atum's Being requires deep insight, which comes only as a gift of grace. It is like a plunging torrent of water whose swiftness outstrips any man who strives to follow it, leaving behind not only the hearer, but even the teacher himself. To conceive of Atum is difficult. To define him is impossible. The imperfect and impermanent cannot easily apprehend the eternally perfected. Atum is whole and conconstant. In himself he is motionless, yet he is self-moving. He is immaculate, incorruptible and ever-lasting. He is the Supreme Absolute Reality. He is filled with ideas which are imperceptible to the senses, and with all-embracing Knowledge. Atum is Primal Mind. Page 46 He is too great to be called by the name 'Atum'. He is hidden, yet obvious everywhere. His Being is known through thought alone, yet we see his form before our eyes. He is bodiless, yet embodied in everything. There is nothing which he is not. He has no name, because all names are his name. He is the unity in all things, so we must know him by all names and call everything 'Atum'. He is the root and source of all. Everything has a source, except this source itself, which springs from nothing. Atum is complete like the number one, which remains itself whether multiplied or divided, and yet generates all numbers. Atum is the Whole which contains everything. He is One, not two. He is All, not many. The All is not many separate things, but the Oneness that subsumes the parts. The All and the One are identical. You think that things are many when you view them as separate, but when you see they all hang on the One, /Page 47/ and flow from the One, you will realise they are unitedlinked together, and connected by a chain of Being from the highest to the lowest, all subject to the will of Atum. The Cosmos is one as the sun is one, the moon is one and the Earth is one. Do you think there are many Gods? That's absurd - God is one. Atum alone is the Creator of all that is immortal, and all that is mutable. If that seems incredible, just consider yourself. You see, speak, hear, touch, taste, walk, think and breathe. It is not a different you who does these various things, but one being who does them all. To understand how Atum makes all things, consider a farmer sowing seeds;
here wheat - there barley, Just as the same man plants all these seeds, so Atum sows immortality in heaven and change on Earth. Throughout the Cosmos he disseminates Life and movementthe two great elements that comprise Atum and his creation, and so everything that is. Page 48 Atum is called 'Father' because he begets all things, and, from his example, the wise hold begetting children the most sacred pursuit of human life. Atum works with Nature, within the laws of Necessity, causing extinction and renewal, constantly creating creation to display his wisdom. Yet, the things that the eye can see are mere phantoms and illusions. Only those things invisible to the eye are real. Above all are the ideas of Beauty and Goodness. Just as the eye cannot see the Being of Atum, so it cannot see these great ideas. They are attributes of Atum alone, and are inseparable from him. They are so perfectly without blemish that Atum himself is in love with them. There is nothing which Atum lacks, so nothing that he desires. There is nothing that Atum can lose, so nothing can cause him grief. Atum is everything. Atum makes everything, and everything is a part of Atum. Atum, therefore, makes himself. This is Atum's glory - he is all-creative, and this creating is his very Being. It is impossible for him ever to stop creatingfor Atum can never cease to be. Page 49 Atum is everywhere. Mind cannot be enclosed, because everything exists within Mind. Nothing is so quick and powerful. Just look at your own experience. Imagine yourself in any foreign land, and quick as your intention you will be there! Think of the ocean - and there you are. You have not moved as things move, but you have travelled, nevertheless. Fly up into the heavens - you won't need wings! Nothing can obstruct you - not the burning heat of the sun, or the swirling planets. Pass on to the limits of creation. Do you want to break out beyond the boundaries of the Cosmos? For your mind, even that is possible. Can you sense what power you possess? If you can do all this, then what about your Creator? Try and understand that Atum is Mind. This is how he contains the Cosmos. All things are thoughts which the Creator thinks."
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