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The True And Invisible Rosicrucian Order
Paul Foster Case 1985

"It was by identifying himself completely with this one reality that Jesus was able to say, "I and the Father are One, " and it was for the same reason that Jesus called himself the Son of Man. Strangely enough, the New Testament records this title, Son of Man exactly 37 times, and 37 is the number of Ich,Yekhidah, the Hebrew

name for the cosmic I AM…"

The far yonder scribe records the machinations of  the Zed Aliz Zed

Son of Man
  3 x 2 x 3 = 18  18 x 37 = 666

City of Revelation

John Michell

Page 143

"There is no question here of a chance coincidence of numbers, for in the same chapter St John emphasises his meaning by use of the phrase, the Image of the Beast, which is repeated three times in verse 15."

Page 145

"It has been observed that 666 is related to 2368 in that they are both multiples of 37,and the word …" "…beast,…" "… occurs 37 times in Revelation"

      'the Image of the Beast'
         3  +  5  +  2 + 3  + 5 = 18 repeated three times  
                                                        18 x 3 = 54  5 + 4  = 9
       'the Image of the Beast'
         3  +  5  +  2  + 3  + 5  = 18 divided by 3   is six   6 + 6 + 6

       'the Image of the Beast'
         3  +  5  +  2  + 3  + 5  = 18 times 37 = 666


John Michell 1972

Page 137

Chapter Thirteen


has been the subject of more comment and speculation than any other cabalistic number, principally on account

of the last verse in revelation 13:

'Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the num-ber of a man;

and his number is
six hundred threescore and six.' "

      In the Greek text the number is spelt in letters,… "
                                                                           "…or 600, 60, 6,… "

36  3 + 6 = 9  3 x 6 = 18

'Speed of earth round sun              = 66,600 miles per hour'
'Distance between earth and moon  = 6 x 60 x 660 miles or 60 x earth's radius'


Peter Atkins

Page 17

"…carbon has established itself as king of the Periodic Kingdom. Carbon, of course, is the element of organic compounds: the extraordinary and complex property we term "life"…"

Page 105  1 + 5 = 6

" A carbon atom has atomic num-ber 6, with six units of positive charge on its nucleus and six electrons around the nucleus to form the neutral atom.

The scribe neither fast or slow, but just right writ the numbers 666 and then almost as an afterthought writ there are 6 letters in carbon

81  8 + 1 = 9

"Few chemists in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries believed - indeed had any reason to believe -that there was an arithmetic pattern to matter. Matter was tangible; numbers were abstract. Abstractions could certainly have patterns, as they were the product of intellect and were invented systematically. Matter, on the other hand, was the stuff of the earth, not a figment of the intel-lect. Matter was real. Its components might be teased out and identified one by one, but there was no reason to sup-pose they fell into a numerical pattern.
Even when patterns were first identified, some expressed their scorn. By the 1860s, a sufficient range of regions had been explored so that it was feasible to ask whether there were extended rhythms of the kingdom. The first global pattern was proposed by the French geolo-gist Beguyer de Chancourtois in 1862, who arranged the elements on a spiral inscribed on a cylinder and managed to accommodate twenty-four elements in this way. He noted a periodicity of properties, with similar elements recurring after every seventh element.
In 1864, a superior, two-dimensional arrangement, in which the origins of the current map of the kingdom are readily discerned and which managed to locate thirty-five elements, was proposed by the English chemists John New-lands. Newlands, who had Italian ancestors, was born in London in 1837… " "…Unfortunately, he chose the dubious analogy of music to report his observa-tions. He noticed that, as in a musical scale, harmonies among the elements were seen in every eight steps. Thus, he proposed that elements lay in octaves, and to a certain extent he was correct.From our retrospective altitudes, we can see that the northern coastline of the rectangles of the kingdom has eight regions, from lithium across to neon. If for the time being we pretend that the low-lying eastern coast of noble gases does not exist, for it was not above the sea of ignorance in
Newland's time, then the seventh ele-ment after lithium is not neon but sodium, and this region, another akali metal, has pronounced similarities to lithium. Another octave of elements, seven steps to the east from sodium (again ignoring the eastern coastal plain), brings us back to potassium, another of sodium's relatives. When he arranged the regions according to the masses of their atoms - that is, their atomic weights - he found that every eighth known element (the noble gasses were a problem for the future) created a harmony. "


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