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1 occurs x 1 = 1 = 1

2 occurs x 1 = 2 = 2
3+4 = 7
5 occurs x 1 = 5 5

6 occurs x 2 = 12 = 3
8 occurs x 1 = 8 8
9 occurs x 2 = 18 = 9


19 9 15 8 + = 51 5+1 = 6
1 9 6 8 + = 24 2+4 = 6
8 S E F I R O T H
5 6 18 20 + = 49 4+9 = 13 1+3 = 4
5 6 9 2 + = 22 2+2 = 4


ISRAEL 64 28 1
ZION 64 28 1
SEFIROTH 100 46 1


7 RAINBOW 82 37 1


KETHER 67 31 4
ELYON 71 26 8


DIVINITY 112 49 4
DIVINE 63 36 9
CROWN 73 28 1
EX NIHILO 96 51 6


SUPREME 97 34 7


8 E X N I H I L O
24 14 9 8 9 15 + = 79 7+9 = 16 1+6 = 7
6 5 9 8 9 6 + = 43 4+3 = 7
5 12 + = 17 1+7 = 8
5 3 + = 8


6 COLOUR 84 30 3
7 COLOURS 103 31 4
8 COLOURED 93 39 3



















4 GODS 45 18 9
7 RAINBOW 82 37 1
5 LIGHT 56 29 2
4 FORM  52 25 7
9 SUBSTANCE 104 23 5
5 SHAPE 49 22 4


7 RAINBOW 82 37 1
5 LIGHT 56 29 2
12 138 66 3
1+2 1+3+8 6+6
12 12
1+2 1+2
3 3 3 3


ETERNAL 75 30 3
AURA 41 14 5


2 AL 13 4 4
5 QAEDA 28 19 1
7 41 23 5
4+1 2+3
7 5 5 5


6 SYSTEM 101 20 2
5 INPUT 80 26 8
6 OUTPUT 113 23 5


DNA 19 10 1
AND 19 10 1


6 LIVING 73 37 1
6 SYSTEM 101 20 2
7 SYSTEMS 120 21 3


ELECTRO 78 33 6
MAGNETIC 72 36 9
ENERGY 74 38 2
ENERGIES 82 46 1


ELECTRO 78 33 6
MAGNETIC 72 36 9
RAYS 63 18 9


ELECTRO 78 33 6
MAGNETIC 72 36 9


RAY 44 17 8
RAYS 63 18 9
RADIATE 58 31 4
RADIATES 77 32 5
RADIO 47 29 2
RADAR 42 24 6


6 ATOMIC 61 25 7
8 PARTICLE 84 39 3
145 64 10
1+4+5 6+4 1+0
10 10
1+0 1+0
1 1 1


CLUSTERS 117 27 9
OF 21 12 3
PARTICLES 103 40 4


15 A T O M I C P A R T I C L E S
1 20 15 13 9 3 16 1 18 20 9 3 12 5 19 + = 164 1+6+4 = 11 1+1 = 2
1 2 6 4 9 3 7 1 9 2 9 3 3 5 1 + = 65 6+5 = 11 1+1 = 2 TWO 2
1 1 1 + = 3 3
2 2 + = 4 4
3 3 3 + = 9 9
4 + = 4 4
5 + = 5 5
6 + = 6 6
7 + = 7 7
9 9 9 + = 27 2+7 = 9


1 occurs x 3 = 3 = 3

2 occurs x 2 = 4 = 4
3 occurs x 3 = 9 = 9
4 occurs x 1 = 4 = 4
5 occurs x 1 = 5 5

6 occurs x 1 = 6 = 6
7 occurs x 1 = 7 = 7
9 occurs x 3 = 27 = 9



Thomas Mann


Page 888

" To put it bluntly, somebody had been conspiring against Pharaoh's life - this although the days of the majesty of that elderly god were well known to be numbered anyhow, and it is common knowledge that their inclination to unite again with the sun could not be arrested either by the advice of the magicians and physicians of the book- house or even by the mediation of Ishtar of the Way, which His Majesty's brother and father-in-law of the Euphrates, Tustw-atta, King over Khanigalbat or Mitanniland, had solicitously sent to him. But that the Great House, Si-Re, Son of the Sun and Lord of the Two Crowns, Neb-ma-Re-Amenhotpe, was old and ailing and could scarcely breathe was no reason at all why he should not be conspired against; indeed, if you liked, it was a very good reason why he should, however dreadful, of course, such an enterprise remained.
It was a universally known fact that Re himself, the sun-god, had originally been King of the two lands, or rather ruler on earth over all men; and had ruled them with majestic brilliance and blessing so long as his years were still young, mature, or middle-aged, and even for some considerable period of time into his beginning and increas-ing age. But when he had got very old, and painful infirmities and frailties, though of course splendid in their form, approached the majesty of this god, he had found it good to withdraw from rhe earth and retire into the upper regions. For his bones gradually turned to silver, his flesh to gold, and his hair to genuine lapis lazuli, a very beautiful form of senescence, yet attended with all sorts of ailments and pains, for which the gods themselves had sought a thousand remedies but all in yain, since no herb that grows can avail against the diseases of gilding and silvering and lapidification, those troubles of advanced old age. Yet even under these circumstances the old Re had always clung to his earthly sovereignty although he must have seen that owing to his own weakness it had begun to relax, that he had ceased to be feared and even to be respected.
Now Isis, the Great One of the Island, Eset, a millionfold fertile in guile, felt that her moment was corne. Her wisdom embraced heaven and earth, like that of the superannuated old Re himself. But there was one thing she did not know or command, and the lack of it / Page 889 / hampered her: she did not know the last, most secret name of Re, his very final one, knowledge of which would give power over him. Re had very many names, each one more secret than the one before, yet not utterly hopeless to find out, save one, the very last and might-iest. That he still withheld; whoso could make him name it, he could compel him and outdistance him and put him under his feet.
Therefore Eset conceived and devised a serpent, which should sting Re in his golden flesh. Then the intolerable pain of the sting, which only great Eset could cure who made the worm, would force Re to tell her his name. Now as she contrived it, so was it fulfilled. The old Re was stung, and in torments was forced to come out with one of his secret names after another, always hoping that the. goddess would be satisfied before they got to the last one. But she kept on to the uttermost, until he had named her the very most secret of all, and the power of her knowledge over him was absolute. After that it cost her nothing to heal his wound; but he only got a little better, within the wretched limits in which so old a creature can; and soon thereafter he gave up and joined the great majority."


5 HUMAN 57 21 3
5 NAMUH 57 21 3
7 NAME YOU 94 31 4
4 NAME 33 15 6
5 NAMES 52 16 7
8 NAMELESS 88 25 7
6 NAMEING 63 36 9


EQUAL 56 20 2
EQUALITY 110 38 2
BALANCE 38 20 2


MOMENTS 99 27 9
MOMENT 80 26 8


MOMENTS 99 27 9


MOMENTS 99 27 9
MOMENT 80 26 8


THE 33 15 6
NAME 33 15 6
66 30 12
6+6 3+0 1+2
3 3 3


3 THE 33 15 6
6 NINETY 87 33 6
4 NINE 42 24 6
5 NAMES 52 16 7
2 OF 21 12 3
3 GOD 26 17 8
23 261 117 36
2+3 2+6+1 1+1+7 3+6
5 9 9 9


6 ADONAI 44 26 8
4 YHWH 64 28 1
10 108 54 9
1+0 1+0+8 5+4
1 9 9 9


4 EVEN 46 19 1
5 SEVEN 65 20 2
6 HEAVEN 55 28 1
6 LEAVEN 59 23 5
21 225 90 9
2+1 2+2+5 9+0
3 9 9 9


4 YHWH 64 28 1
4 ZION 64 28 1
6 ISRAEL 64 28 1
14 192 84 3
1+4 1+9+2 8+4
12 12
1+2 1+2
5 3 3 3


3 GOD 26 17 8
4 YHWH 64 28 1
7 90 45 9
9+0 4+5
7 9 9 9


3 GOD 26 17 8
6 ISRAEL 64 28 1
9 90 45 9
9+0 4+5
9 9 9 9


3 GOD 26 17 8
4 ZION 64 28 1
7 90 45 9
9+0 4+5
7 9 9 9


TRANQUIL 112 40 4


GODS 45 18 9
GLORY 77 32 5


BOOK 43 16 7
OF 21 12 3
CREATION 85 40 4


DIVINE 63 36 9
RAYS 63 18 9


GOODNESS 98 35 8
JUSTICE 87 24 6
LOVE 54 18 9
OMNI 51 24 6


4 JUST 70 7 7
7 JUSTICE 87 24 6
5 JUDGE 47 20 2
9 JUDGEMENT 99 36 9
3 LAW 36 9 9


9 JUDGEMENT 99 36 9
3 LAW 36 9 9


4 JUST 70 7 7
3 LAW 36 9 9
7 106 16 16
1+0+6 1+6 1+6
7 7 7 7


9 JUDGEMENT 99 36 9
9 9+9 3+6 9
9 9 9 9


SHEIK 52 25 7
AL 13 4 4
ISHRAQ 72 36 9


ISHRAQI 81 45 9


6 MASTER 76 22 4
2 OF 21 12 3
11 ILLUMINATION 149 59 14


5 S H E I K
19 8 5 9 11 + = 52 5+2 = 7
1 8 5 9 2 + = 25 2+5 = 7 SEVEN 7


19 8 9 + = 36 3+6 = 9
1 8 9 + = 18 1+8 = 9
5 11 + = 16 1+6 = 7
5 2 + = 7
5 S H E I K
19 8 5 9 11 + = 52 5+2 = 7
1 8 5 9 2 + = 25 2+5 = 7 SEVEN 7



9 19

+ = 28 2+8 = 10 1+0 = 1
9 1 + = 10 1+0 = 1
12 1 13 + = 26 2+6 = 8
3 1 4 + = 8
5 I S L A M

9 19 12 1 13

+ = 54 5+4 = 9

9 1 3 1 4

+ = 18 1+8 = 9 NINE 9



12 I L L U M I N A T I



9 12 12 21 13 9 14 1 20 9



+ = 149 1+4+9 = 14 1+4 = 5
9 3 3 3 4 9 5 1 2 9



+ = 59 5+9 = 14 1+4 = 5 FIVE 5
1 + = 1 1
2 + = 2 2
3 3 3 + = 9 9
4 + = 4 4
5 5 + = 10 1+0 = 1
6 + = 6 6
9 9 9 + = 27 2+7 = 9


1 occurs x 1 = 1 = 1

2 occurs x 1 = 2 = 2
3 occurs x 3 = 9 = 9
4 occurs x 1 = 4 = 4
5 occurs x 2 = 10 = 1

6 occurs x 1 = 6 = 6
9 occurs x 3 = 27 = 9
30 12 59 32
3+0 1+2 5+9 3+2
3 3 5 5


3 I H S

9 8 19

+ = 36 3+6 = 9

9 8 1

+ = 18 1+8 = 9 NINE 9






+ = 18 1+8 = 9

4 I N R I

9 14 18 9 + = 50 5+0 = 5

9 5 9 9 + = 32 3+2 = 5 FIVE 5
5 + = 5
9 9 9 + = 27 2+7 = 9
9 14 9
9 5 9






+ = 20 2+0 = 2

9 14


+ = 38 3+8 = 11 1+1 = 2
7 R A I N B O W

18 1 2 23

+ = 44 4+4 = 8

9 1 2 5

+ = 17 1+7 = 8




15 14

+ = 37 3+7 = 10 1+0 = 1
7 H A R M O N Y

8 1 18 13 15 14 25

+ = 94 9+4 = 13 1+3 = 4

8 1 9 4 6 5 7

+ = 40 4+0 = 4




Page 175 1 + 7 + 5  = 13 2 x 99.6 = 199.2
Line Down 21 99.6 9 + 9 + 6 = 24
Line Down 23 99.7 9 + 9 + 7 = 25
Line Down 23 99.5 9 + 9 + 5 = 23
Line Down 25 99.6 9 + 9 + 6 = 24
                 115 396 96
99.6 x 2 = 199.2 9 occurs x 8 = 72
99.5 x 1 = 99.5 7 occurs x 1 = 7
99.7 x 1 = 99.7 6 occurs x 2  = 12
5 occurs x 1 = 5
Line Down 18
9 Mercurius127 46 1
43 -Lines in Page


9 M E R C U R I U S
13 5 18 3 21 18 9 21 19 + = 127 1+2+7 = 10 1+0 = 1
4 5 9 3 3 9 9 3 1 + = 46 4+6 = 10 1+0 = 1 ONE  1


9 1 + = 10 1+0 = 1
9 19 + = 28 2+8 = 10 1+0 = 1
9 M E R C U R I U S
13 5 18 3 21 18 21 + = 99 9+9 = 18 1+8 = 9
4 5 9 3 3 9 3 + = 36 3+6 = 9


1 6 KETHER 67 31 4
2 7 HOKHMAH 64 37 1
3 5 BINAH 34 25 7
4 5 HESED 41 23 5
5 3 DIN 27 18 9
6 7 RAHAMIN 64 37 1
7 6 NETSAH 67 22 4
8 3 HOD 27 18 9
9 5 YESOD 68 23 5
10 7 MALKUTH 86 23 5
55 545 50
5+5 5+4+5 5+0
10 14
1+0 1+4
1 5 5 5


6 KETHER 67 31 4
7 HOKHMAH 64 37 1
5 BINAH 34 25 7
5 HESED 41 23 5
3 DIN 27 18 9
7 RAHAMIN 64 37 1
6 NETSAH 67 22 4
3 HOD 27 18 9
5 YESOD 68 23 5
459 234 45
4+5+9 2+3+4 4+5
9 9 9



= 11 K = 2
HOKHMAH = 8 H = 8
B = 2 B = 2
H = 8 H = 8
D = 4 D = 4
R = 18 R = 18
N = 14 N = 14
H = 8 H = 8
Y = 25 Y = 7
98 53
9+8 5+3
8 8


SEFIROTH 100 46 1


7 MALKUTH 86 23 5
8 SHEKINAH 75 39 3


8 D I A S P O R A
4 9 1 19 16 15 18 1 + = 83 8+3 = 11 1+1 = 2
4 9 1 1 7 6 9 1 + = 38 3+8 = 11 1+1 = 2 TWO 2


3 SET 44 8 8
5 CHAOS 46 19 1
8 90 27 9
9+0 2+7
8 9 9 9


TRUTH 87 24 6
LIES 45 18 9


LIE 26 17 8
LIAR 40 22 4


FIRST 72 27 9
CAUSE 49 13 4


3 LET 37 10 1
5 THERE 56 29 2
2 BE 7 7 7
5 LIGHT 56 29 2
3 AND 19 10 1
5 THERE 56 29 2
3 WAS 43 7 7
5 LIGHT 56 29 2
330 150 24
3+3+0 1+5+0 2+4
6 6 6


3 LET 37 10 1
5 THERE 56 29 2
2 BE 7 7 7
5 LIGHT 56 29 2
156 75 12
1+5+6 7+5 1+2
12 12
1+2 1+2
3 3 3


3 AND 19 10 1
5 THERE 56 29 2
3 WAS 43 7 7
5 LIGHT 56 29 2
174 75 12
1+7+4 7+5 1+2
12 12
1+2 1+2
3 3 3


3 OUT 56 11 2
2 IN 23 14 5
79 25 7
7+9 2+5
7 7 7


4 WOMB 53 17 8
2 OF 21 12 3
11 NOTHINGNESS 144 54 9


4 WOMB 53 17 8
5 WOMBS 72 18 9


CREATIVE 83 38 2
IMAGINE 58 40 4
ATION 59 23 5
ATON 50 14 5


3 THE 33 15 6
5 ZOHAR 68 32 5
8 101 47 11
1+0+1 4+7 1+1
8 2 2 2


5 EN-SOF 59 22 4
ENDS OF 63 27 9


5 HUMAN 57 21 3
4 AURA 41 14 5
5 AURAS 60 15 6


5 HUMAN 57 21 3
5 AURAS 60 15 6
10 117 36 9
1+0 1+1+7 3+6
1 9 9 9



8 K A B B A L A H

11 1 2 2 1 12 1 8

+ = 38 3+8 = 11 1+1 = 2

2 1 2 2 1 3 1 8

+ = 20 2+0 = 2 TWO 2
1 1 1 + = 3
2 2 2 + = 6
3 + = 3
8 + = 8



1 occurs x 3 = 3

2 occurs x 3 = 6

3 occurs x 1 = 3
8 occurs x 1 = 8
14 8 20
1+4 2+0
5 8 2



8 + = 8

8 K A B B A L A H

11 1 2 2 1 12 1 + = 30 3+0 = 3

2 1 2


1   + = 12 1+2 = 3    
1 1 1 + = 3
2 2 2 + = 6
3 + = 3
11 1 2 2 1 12 1 8 + = 38
2 1 2 2 1 3 1 8 + = 20


8 KABBALAH 38 20 2
8 THE ZOHAR 101 47 2
3 THE 33 15 6
5 ZOHAR 68 32 5
3 ZOH 49 22 4
2 AR 19 10 1
2 AR 19 10 1
2 RA 19 10 1






Peter Lemesurier 1997



Page ix
And so when two major theories converge to identify the pyramids of Giza in Egypt as elements of an ancient star-map - a map de-signed by who knows whom to grab our collective attention and summon us to the stars - it is perhaps no surprise to be reminded of
the fictional 2001: A Space Odyssey and the equally fictional Stargate.
Yet this is no fiction. The geographical facts that underlie Robert Bauval's star-map theory are no less serious than the geometrical and trigonometrical data that underlie my own read-out of the Great Pyramid's internal passages and chambers, arrived at some six years before.
Together, they make a pair. Together, too, they face us with a mystery - and a challenge.
What mighty race was it that bequeathed to us this colossal route-map to the stars? What intelligence conceived the idea of memorializing its vital passage-directions to us in enduring stone monuments of such cyclopean immensity? How are we to re- spond? Where are we expected to head?
And why? / Page x / To many, the very suggestion even that there is a message in the stones may seem startling. That it takes the form suggested in this book may seem unimaginable. That our collective destiny is of the order suggested may seem laughable.
Yet the facts are there, too vast to expunge, too huge to erase. Make of them what we will, they cannot be ignored.
And perhaps it is the gods who are laughing."


Page 171

"STANDING OFF FROM EARTH, the gods look down. It is the selfsame planet that they first visited long before. But in those days it was the planet of Zep Tepi, the First Time. That was the era of Orion's beginnings, the birth of his cycle. For Earth, similarly, it was a time for new beginnings. NeWly emerged from under the ice, the northern lands were gradually coming back to life again. The vast prairies were burgeoning, the valleys filling with trees, the mountains loud with insects and birds. And there at the centre of the world's landmass a vast monument field was taking shape.
Rising beside the Nile
- the terrestrial equivalent of the Milky Way - were three huge pyramids, set out in the pattern of the stars of Orion's belt. And, guarding them, a mighty sphinx in the shape of Leo, the celestial Lion.
Their very size would ensure two things. The first was that they would survive. The second was that they would be noticed. And the combination of the two would ensure that, at some distant point in the future, human-ity's curiosity would get the better of it.
The site would be explored. The geometry would be deciphered. The mes-sage would be decoded.

Page 172 

In due course, that message would duly get through. The realization would dawn that humanity has a destiny, and one that will long outlive Earth. True, the realization would be mythologized, ritualized and turned into mere religious dogma. When the time came for such dogmas to be dis-missed, consequently, the message would be dismissed with them. And yet the new realism would breed a new attitude. Humanity would look again.
And there the message would still be, still encoded in enduring stone. The time, it said, would come for strange encounters, and after that for a great and even stranger departure.
And now, it seems, that time has come.
Yet who welcomes such news? Everyday life may not always be pleas-ant, but at least it is familiar. To be told that you must leave it or die is nev-er nice. To be told it by mighty, alien beings whom you barely understand is positively unsettling. To let yourself be ruled by them is quite beyond the pale. To be advised that all this must involve changing not merely your home, but your very nature is, frankly, all but unacceptable.
The Elohim are well aware of this.
And so diplomacy has to be the new watchword
- and extremely careful diplomacy, at that. The natives, for all their rapidly advandng technology, still have set minds, primitive drives - and sharp teeth. Everything, then, must accord with Earth's expectations. If the doctor is to supply the medi-cine, the patient must be allowed to specify the shape of the bottle.
There is no place for brutality.
And so the Messiah must come, as predicted, in the clouds of heaven, with great power and glory. And then so must the next, and the next, and the next.

For the final time of Orion, the triumphant harvest time of Earth, is at hand."



Page 129

"Moses' meeting with the entity allegedly takes place amid horrendous thunderings and lightnings on a smoking mount Sinai whose emanations spell death for anybody else who approaches it. The description is typical of a volcano. Yet Sinai has not been volcanic for thousands of years. Evidently, then, the phenomenon -like the strange columns of smoke themselves - is artificial, and presumably reveals the presence of some kind of advanced technology.
Next, the terrifying entity whom Moses meets in the clouds amid the thunderings and lightnings, and which modern texts blandly translate as 'God', is in fact described in the Hebrew as Elohim
- i.e. 'gods' in the plural- which of course is precisely the term that we have already settled on to represent the ancient founders themselves. This proves nothing, of course, since we ourselves fed the term into the equation in the first place. Nevertheless, the fact is thought-provoking, to say the least.
Finally, the entity insists on concealing its face (Ex.34:18-23). It is also extremely cagey about revealing its true name. Pressed by Moses at Exodus
3:13-16, it offers only the enigmatic EHYEH ASHER EHYEH - 'I am what I am', or possibly 'I will be what I will be'. Thereafter, consequently, it is referred to by the texts as YHWH (later transcribed as 'Jehovah '), or 'He that is (what he is)'. These seem to be the signs of an entity that is not only in some way terrifyingly superhuman, but can assume any form or identity at will. If a real entity, consequently, it is a very advanced one indeed..."

5 EHYEH 51 33 6
5 ASHER 51 24 6
5 EHYEH 51 33 6




































Peter Lemesurier 1997


Page 227

"Yet as I said earlier, it is precisely the unthinkable that I have dared to think in this book. To that extent it goes beyond all con-ventional belief. In the final upshot, though, something rather sur-prising has happened. The unthinkable has paradoxically turned out to be - if in surprising and disturbing ways - remarkably simi-lar to what has always been thought before. Indeed, it is precisely the extent to which this book's outline of humanity's future des-tiny turns out to mirror the immemorial beliefs of antiquity that is most likely to worry the religious in particular.
It is as if we always knew what the eventual outcome might be. Some seed, planted in our ancient consciousness by who knows' whom, long ago gave us an inkling of the end of the story even be-fore we knew how to begin it.
That, of course, is how visions work. They posit a goal and erect a signpost. They do not tell us how to put one foot in front of the other. They do not tell us what to believe. They do not tell us what dragons and precipices we shall encounter. Often they do not even tell us how far it is to our goal.
Yet where there is no vision (as the Authorized Version of the Bible incorrectly but perspicaciously translates it) the people perish.
The ancient signpost of imagination whose finger we have been following is one such. It is a signpost that has led from the twilight of the last ice age, by way of the dawn of pre-dynastic Egypt and the sunrise of Greece, via the respective lights of classical Rome ahd the much later European Renaissance to the blinding light-ning flashes of the atomic era and the space age.
And its function has always been to face us with the inconceiv-able and present us with the impossible. Its message has been that we are limited only by our own imaginations, hemmed in only by our own beliefs.
In the event, we have gone on to learn both - the hard way. The ancient message has been first ritualized, then questioned, then ig-nored, then forgotten, then encountered anew. What should have set us free has been turned into religions that have bamboozled us, dogmas that have enslaved us, mumbo-jumbo that has passed us by, then new babblings that have invited our credulity all over again.

Page 228

But the real function of the Elohistic initiative, if I have recon-structed it aright, is not to subject us to beliefs that shackle us, but to blast apart our imagined limitations. Its purpose is not to en-chain us, but to set us free - not by telling us, like most religions, what we cannot do, but by hinting, however remotely, at what we can.
Somehow it has managed to adumbrate what the world's reli-gions have only managed dimly to foreshadow - that humanity's potential is unlImited provided that we let go of our self-imposed limitations, that our greater identity is served only by identifying ourselves with each other and with our world, that we have a des- tiny that is not confined to Planet Earth, that there are friendly in-telligences elsewhere in the universe, and that our consciousness may yet be raised to levels beyond our wildest dreams.
In all this, imagination is the key. That is what visions are about. The future described by the Great Pyramid has something of the substance of a dream. To this extent, at least, my unthinking critics will be right, and possibly nearer to the truth than most.
The humanity of the future may well encounter the mooted superior beings 'out there'. But it will also have encountered a dream in the mind of man - or of the universe. For dreams, too, can take on concrete form. Light, motion, relativity and the whole of the perceived universe are all dreams, all functions of human consciousness. If there is a universe beyond our perceiving we cannot perceive it. Even the Elohim themselves are a dream made manifest.
Though who the original Dreamer was is, of course, not appar-ent to those within the dream itself.
Dreams in due course become reality. What we dream today we experience tomorrow. The science-fictionists, no less than the scientists, are the creators of our future. Let them take care, then, what they dream. For mind is the maker of worlds. Yet, just as in the case of the atomic bomb, it can be their dissolver, too.
Mind - the selfsame Mind that we share with the Elohim and with all other sentient beings - is Brahma the Creator. It is Shiva the Destroyer. It is blue Vishnu in the sky, Orion in the flesh, the /Page 229 / starry bones of God, the forger of destiny, the embodier of all that humanity has ever been and is ever likely to become."


Page 165

"Much, clearly, has to do with expectation. As at least one Star Trek episode did manage to recognize, the best way of avoiding such cosmic xenophobia is carefully to tie in the features of your arrival with existing planetary beliefs regarding the future advent of benevolent beings from the sky. On Earth, certainly, such beliefs are almost universal.
But then, as we have seen, this fact may originally be due to the Prime Initiative itself.
Thus, the best way for such an advent to be widely welcomed on Earth would be for the incomers to conform to the manner, timing and even the appearance of the Messianic return, as long ex-pected by the religious who have preserved the ancient tradition. Since the Elohim seem to be capable of varying and controlling their appearance at will, this ought to pose no problem. In this way Jews, Christians and Muslims would alike have their expectations confirmed: the Awaited Saviour would descend from the clouds arrayed in robes of glory and, wielding positively magical powers, / Page 166 / set up his everlasting kingdom on Mount Zion. Then he would send out his 'angels' (i.e. his messengers) to gather together his chosen from all comers of the planet to inherit a new world entirely - a heavenly kingdom, or sky dispensation, that would never pass away.
The general parameters of the archetypical mission certainly ac-cord astonishingly exactly with those long since laid down in the Great Pyramid's enduring stone.
The Elohim,. in short, must either incarnate the Messiah in person, or visibly 'take over' a pre-existing human being. He must be no self-deluded megalomaniac, but manifestly their sanctioned vehicle. He must appear in Palestine, sport a beard and long hair, wear flowing robes, speak Aramaic and Hebrew and set up his headquarters in Jerusalem. The Terrans will permit nothing less. In accordance with long tradition - though not with likely historical fact - he must even be white-skinned. As a result, he will be seen either as a living blasphemy or as the Messiah in person - just as, in his day, Jesus himself was.
It is even possible - just possible - that he will actually be the Messiah. Perhaps it is in reality his advent that the biblical prophets always dimly glimpsed. True, it is always challenging to face the actualization of your ideals. It is almost as if ideals were really re-served for 'up there', not 'down here'. Certainly this fundamental clash was something that Jesus's own contemporaries found par-ticularly hard to stomach - and especially the more religious of them.
So that if, in case of the Elohim, the unedifying experience is re- peated, it will be no surprise.
But there are other Messianic traditions, too, and all of them will need to be satisfied if the initiative's effects are to be as uni-versal as they will need to be. The new overlord will need, for example, to embody the long-awaited Buddha Maitreya and the traditions associated with him. Nor should the venerable traditions
of Hinduism - perhaps the most ancient high religion in the world - be ignored. He will need to be the very incarnation of Kalki, the last and greatest of the avatars of Vishnu.

Page 167
But then, it seems, he is set to do that anyway.
For Kalki's role will indeed be to bring to an end the current 'Age of Iron' and inaugurate the re-absorption of humanity and the world that it inhabits into the primal Absolute. A positive gi-ant, he will wield a fiery sword like a comet as the instrument of his office. And, even more to the point (as we shall see), he will have a horse's head...
According to the symbolic features of the antechamber, how- ever, there will be not merely one Messiah, but several. Evidently this is not so much a prediction as a promise. Jews, Christians and Muslims will no doubt be suitably surprised. Nevertheless, there it stands in solid stone.
Presumably, then, this veritable succession of other-worldly beings has a purpose. It is not merely some kind of ritual advent, designed to impress the religious. There is deadly serious business to be done. And indeed, according to the remarkable modem French seer Mario de Sabato,
19, 36 the visitors will have a truly vital task to perform. It will be no mere moral crusade. Their role will not be to separate the righteous from the unrighteous - even though the effect of their initiative may well be to separate those who are prepared to leave Earth from those who are not. Finally resolve our religious and metaphysical problems as they may, they will certainly resolve our scientific and technological ones, too. Emissaries from a part of the universe that will already have achieved its final flowering of consciousness, they will bring with then\ vast knowledge and almost unbelievable technologies. Thanks to their patient efforts, humanity will advance by several centuries in as many years.
It will need to. For time, evidently, is growing short. A major planetary extinction looms..."




Jonathan Cainer


John Michelle

March 13th 2004


Page 59

SOME people get angry when I say I do not believe in extra-terrestrials or intelligent life in space. They point out that the universe contains billions of stars and planets.
Some of these must surely be, like earth, able to support life. And what about those thousands of "UFO sightings" over the years?
The problem is that beyond our solar system the distances are far too great to allow space travel. These vast distances are measured
in light years.
Light travels at 186,000 miles a second. It takes 1.5 seconds just to reach us from the Moon, eight minutes to travel from the Sun, and four years to reach us from the next nearest star. So that star is four light years away.
Beyond that the distances become so enormous that, even if we could travel at / the speed of light, it would take millions of years to explore other galaxies. No physical body can approach the speed of light, and if there are extra-terrestrial beings, the same goes for them.
Even so, we are not exactly alone. I have seen UFOs several times but I have never met "aliens". But back in 1966, while writing my first book, The Flying Saucer Vision, I interviewed several "contactees".
They had all been changed from' their meetings with other-worldly beings. Some had become psychics, others were mentally disturbed. Their experiences were genuine.
But who are these beings and where are they from?
The Psychologist Carl Jung concluded that they are signs of coming changes. He said, these changes take place when one sign of the zodiac gives way to another. Such periods are always marked by 'signs and wonders' - strange things in the sky.

I agree with Jung. The creatures reported by UFO contactees were quite familiar to our ancestors. They knew them as "elves, imps, or mischie-vous spirits". We may no longer believe in these things, but we never got rid of them, and now we call them extra- terrestrials."

I = 9 x 6 = 54


"THE Greek philosopher Plato said that the arts and skills of civilisation were first made known by the gods. They came down to earth and governed it and we lived in a state of perfect order and contentment.

 Then, one day, / they left, but before going they trained certain people to maintain state rituals and standards. Things were allowed to slip and eventually the great civilisation crumbled.
It is tempting to see this as a record of extra-terrestrial in-tervention. Although / I do not really believe in extra-terrestrials, I do believe in the gods. We may think we have banished them but they are still active in our lives. Plato was right in saying that the gods imparted to us the secrets of civilisation, but they were the real gods, and we can expect them back."

I = 9 x 2 = 18

GODS = 9 x 4 = 36



1 I 9 9 9
2 ME 18 9 9
3 EGO 27 18 9
10 CONSCIENCE 90 45 9
9 BODY BRAIN 90 36 9


45 9


45 9


27 9


18 9
9 FIFTYFOUR 126 54 9
5 PLATO 64 19 1
8 ATLANTIS 96 24 6
5 ATLAS 53 8 8
8 ATLANTIC 80 26 8
5 THERA 52 25 7
5 HEART 52 25 7
5 EARTH 52 25 7
5 TERAH 52 25 7
5 ELVES 63 18 9
4 IMPS 57 21 3


3 THE 33 15 6
10 IM-POSSIBLE 97 47 2
2 IM 22 13 4
8 POSSIBLE 97 34 7
1 P 16 7 7
4 OSSI 62 17 8
3 BLE 19 10 1
8 THIRTEEN 99 45 9





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