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E. A. Wallace Budge

"The Chapter of making the way into heaven nigh unto Ra "
 Chap. cxxxi. 5]
[From the Papyrus of Nu (Brit. Mus. No. 10,477, sheets 17 and 18).)
Vignette: This Chapter is without vignette, both in the Papyrus of Nu and in the Saite Recension (see Lepsius, OF. cit., Bl. 54).
Text: (1)
1 The overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, Nu, triumphant, saith :-

"I am that god Ra who shineth in the night. Every "(2) being who followeth in his train shall have life in " the following of the god Thoth, and he shall give "unto him the risings of Horus in the darkness. The " heart of Osiris Nu, the overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, triumphant, is glad (3) because "he is one of those beings, and his enemies have been "destroyed by the divine princes. I am a follower of "Ra, and [I have] received his iron weapon. (4) I "have- come unto thee, O my father Ra, and I have " advanced to the god Shu. I have cried unto the "mighty goddess, I have equipped the god Hu (5) and "I alone have removed the Nebt god from the path of "' Ra. I am a Khu, and I have come to the divine "' prince at the bounds of the horizon. I have met / Page 398 / [Chap. cxxxi. 6 " (6) and I have received the mighty goddess. I have "raised up thy soul in the following of thy strength, "and my soul [liveth] through thy victory and thy "mighty power; it is I who give commands (7) in "speech to Ra in heaven. Homage to thee, O great " god in the east of heaven, let me embark in thy boat, " O Ra, let me open myself out in the form of a divine "hawk, (8) let me give my commands in words, let me " do battle in my Sekhem (?), let me be master under "my vine. Let me embark in thy boat O Ra, in "peace, (9) and let me sail in peace to the beautiful " Amentet. Let the god Tem speak unto me, [saying], " 'Wouldst [thou] enter therein?' The lady, the "goddess Mehen, is a million of years, yea, two million "years in (10) duration, and dwelleth in the house of "Urt and Nif-urt [and in} the Lake of a million years; "the whole company. of the gods move about among "those who are at the side of him who is the lord of "divisions of places (?). And I say, 'On every road " and among (11) these millions of years is Ra the lord, "and his path is in the fire; and they go round about "behind him, and they go round about behind him.' "


Lois Pauwels and Jacques Bergier
Page 226
"...dreams can foretell even distant future events,* and two German research workers, Moufang and Stevens, in a work entitled The Mystery of Dreams have cited a number of cases, which have been carefully checked, in which dreams revealed future events and led to important scientific discoveries.
The celebrated atomic scientist, Niels Bohr, when he was a student, had a strange dream. He saw himself on a Sun consisting of burning gas. Planets whizzed by, whistling as they passed. They were attached to the Sun by thin filaments, and revolved round it. Suddenly the gas solidified and the Sun and planets crumbled away. Niels Bohr then woke up and realized that he had just dis- covered the model of the atom, so long sought after. The 'Sun' was the fixed centre round which the electrons revolve. The whole of modem atomic physics and its applications have come out of this dream."
 He saw himself on a Sun consisting of burning gas. Planets whizzed by, whistling as they passed

Lois Pauwels and Jacques Bergier
Page 226
"The celebrated atomic scientist, Niels Bohr, when he was a student, had a strange dream. He saw himself on a Sun consisting of burning gas. Planets whizzed by, whistling as they passed. They were attached to the Sun by thin filaments, and revolved round it. Suddenly the gas solidified and the Sun and planets crumbled away. Niels Bohr then woke up and realized that he had just dis- covered the model of the atom, so long sought after. The 'Sun' was the fixed centre round which the electrons revolve. The whole of modem atomic physics and its applications have come out of this dream."
"Niels Bohr then woke up and realized that he had just dis-overed the model of the atom, so long sought after. The 'Sun' was the fixed centre round which the electrons revolve"
"The 'Sun' was the fixed centre round which the electrons revolve"

 "Niels Bohr then woke up and realized that he had just dis-overed the model of the atom, so long sought after. The 'Sun' was the fixed centre round which the electrons revolve"
"The 'Sun' was the fixed centre round which the electrons revolve"
E. A. Wallace Budge

"And I say, 'On every road " and among (11) these millions of years is Ra the lord, "and his path is in the fire; and they go round about "behind him, and they go round about behind him.' "
"and his path is in the fire; and they go round about "behind him, and they go round about behind him.' "

In 1913 Bohr perfected the Rutherford theory of the atom by an early use of quantum theory. An electron moving in a circle around the nucleus can be held in orbit by a balance between the electrostatic force of attraction to the nuclei and the centrifugal force due to its motion.

Lois Pauwels and Jacques Bergier
Page 226
The 'Sun' was the fixed centre round which the electrons revolve"
E. A. Wallace Budge
Page 397
"and his path is in the fire; and they go round about "behind him, and they go round about behind him.' " 
Karen Armstrong1993


"As they converge on the Kaba, clad in the traditional pilgrim dress that obliterates all distinctions of race or class, they feel that they have been liberated / Page 183 / from the egotistic preoccupations of their daily lives and been caught up into a community that has one focus and orientation. They cry in unison; 'Here I am at your service, O al-Lah' before they begin the circumambulations around the shrine. The essential meaning of this rite is brought out well by the late Iranian philosopher All Shariati:

As you circumambulate and move closer to the Kabah, you feel like a small stream merging with a big river. Carried by a wave you lose touch with the ground. Suddenly, you are floating, carried on by the flood. As you approach the centre, the pressure of the crowd squeezes you so hard that you are given a new life. You are now part of the People; you are now a Man, alive and eternal. . .

The Kabah is the world's sun whose face attracts you into its orbit. You have become part of this universal system. Circumambulating around Al-lah, you will soon forget yourself. . . You have been transformed into a particle that is gradually melting and disappearing. This is absolute love at its peak.".





Thomas Mann


Page 888

"Now Isis, the Great One of the island, Eset, a millionfold fertile in guile, felt that her moment was come. Her wisdom embraced heaven and earth, like that of the old superannuated old Re himself. But there was one thing she did not know or command, and the lack of it  / Page 889  / hampered her: she did not know the last, most secret name of Re, his very final one, knowledge of which would give power over him. Re had very many names, each one more secret than the one before, yet not utterly hopeless to find out, save one, the very last and might-iest. That he still witheld; whoso could make him name it, he could compel him and outdistance him and put him under his feet.
     Therefore Eset conceived and devised a serpent, which should sting Re in his golden flesh."
"Then the intolerable pain of the sting, which only great Eset could cure who made the worm, would force Re to tell her his name. Now as she contrived it so was it fulfilled. The old Re was stung, and in torments was forced to come out with one of his secret names after another, always hoping that the goddess would be satisfied before they got to the last one. But she kept on to the uttermost, until he had named her the most secret of all, and the power of her knowledge over him was absolute. After that it cost her nothing to heal his wound; but he only got a little better, within the wretched limits in which so old a creature can; and soon thereafter he gave up and joined the great majority."



Wallis Budge



"and his path is in the fire; and they go round about "behind him, and they go round about behind him.' "

SUN = 9 9 = SUN

The RA Expeditions
Thor Heyerdal 1970

Page 14  

"The largest reed boats in Peru were depicted as two deckers. Quantities of water jars and other cargo were painted in on the lower deck, as well as rows of little people, and on the upper deck usually stood the earthly representative of the sun-god the priest king, larger than all his companions, surrounded by bird-headed men who were often hauling on ropes to help the reed boat through the water. The tomb paint-ings in Egypt also portrayed the sun-god's earthly represen-tative, the priest-king known as the pharaoh, like an imposing giant on his reed boat, surrounded by minature people, while / Page 15  / the same mythical men with bird heads towed the reed boat through the water.
     Reed boats and bird-headed men seemed to go together, for some inexplicable reason. For we had found them far out in the Pacific Ocean too, on Easter Island, where the sun-god's mask, the reed boats with sails, and the men with bird heads formed an inseperable trio amomg the wall-paintings and reliefs in the ancient ceremonial village of Orongo, with its solar observ-atory. Easter Island, Peru, Egypt. These strange parrallels could hardly have been found further apart. Apparently they could hardly furnish better proof that men must have arrived inde-pendently at the same time in widely seperated places. Appar-ently. But what was even more strange was that the aboriginal people of Easter Island called the sun ra. Ra was the name for the sun on all the hundreds of Polynesian islands, so it could be no mere accident. Ra was also the name for the sun in ancient Egypt. No word was more important to the ancient Egyptian religion than Ra, the sun, the sun-god, ancestor of the phar-aohs. The one who sailed reed boats, with an entourage of bird headed men. Giant monolithic statues as high as houses had been erected in honour of the sun-god's earthly priest-kings on Easter Island, in Peru and in ancient Egypt. And in all three places, solid rock had been sliced up like cheese into blocks as big as railway trucks and fitted together in stepped pyramids designed on an astronomical basis according to the movements of the sun. All in honour of the common ancestor, the sun, Ra. Was there some connection, or was it just coincidence?"



Jeremy Narby



Page 53

"For several hours after drinking the brew, I found myself, although awake, in a world literally beyond my wildest dreams. I met bird-headed people, as well as dragon-like creatures who explained that they were the true gods of this world.

Page 54

After several minutes he found himself falling into a world of true hallucinations. After arriving in a celestial cavern where "a supernatural carnival of demons" was in full swing, he saw two strange boats floating through the air that combined to form "a huge dragon-headed prow, not unlike that of a Viking ship." On the deck, he could make out "large numbers of people with the heads of blue jays and the bodies of humans, not unlike the bird­headed gods of ancient Egyptian tomb paintings."

After multiple episodes, which would be too long to describe here, Hamer became convinced that he was dying. He tried call­ / Page 55 / ing out to his Conibo friends for an antidote without managing to pronounce a word. Then he saw that his visions emanated from "giant reptilian creatures" resting at the lowest depths of his brain. These creatures began projecting scenes in front of his eyes, while informing him that this information was reserved for the dying and the dead:




Poems and Essays


Lloyd C. Daniel 1985

Page 32


















David Icke 1996

Page 33

The Global Dictatorship

"I'm sorry, would you just excuse me once more?





Arthur C. Clarke 1972


Page15 (number omitted)

" ' This is a slightly unusual request,' said Dr Wagner, with what he hoped was commendable restraint. 'As far as I know, it's the first time anyone's been asked to supply a Tibetan monastery with an Automatic Sequence Computer. I don't wish to be inquisitive, but I should hardly have thought that your - ah - establishment had much use for such a ma-chine. Could you explain just what you intend to do with it?'

'Gladly,' replied the lama, readjusting his silk robes and carefully putting away the slide rule he had been Using for currency conversions. 'Your Mark V Computer can carry out any routine mathtiilatical operation involving up to ten digits. However, for our work we are interested in letters, not numbers. As we wish you to modify the output circuits, the machine will be printing words, not columns of figures.'

'I don't quite understand. . .'

'This is a project on which we have been working for the last three centuries - since the lamasery was founded, in fact. It is somewhat alien to your way of thought, so I hope you will listen with an open mind while I explain it.'


'It is really quite simple. We have been compiling a list which shall contain all the possible names of God.'

'I beg your pardon?'

Page 16

The Nine Billion Names of God

'We have reason to believe,.' continued the lama imper-turbably, 'that all such names can be written with not more than nine letters in an alphabet we have devised.'

'And you have been doing this for three centuries?'

'Yes: we expected it would take us about fifteen thousand years to complete the task.'

'Oh,' Dr Wagner looked a little dazed. 'Now I see why you wanted to hire one of our machines. But what exactly is the purpose of this project?'

The lama hesitated for a fraction of a second, and Wagner wondered if he had offended him. If so, there was no trace of annoyance in the reply.

'Call it ritual, if you like, but it's a fundamental part of our belief. All the many names of the Supreme Being - God, Jehova, Allah, and so on - they are only man-made labels. There is a philosophical problem of some difficulty here, which I do not propose to discuss, but somewhere among all the possible combinations of letters that can occur are what one may call the real names of God. By systematic per-mutation of letters, we have been trying to list them all.'

"I see. You've been starting at A A A A A A A . . . and work- ing up to Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z . . .'

'Exactly - though we use a special alphabet of our own. Modifying the electromatic typewriters to deal with this is, of course, trivial. A rather more interesting problem is that of devising suitable circuits to eliminate ridiculous com- binations. For example, no letter must occur more than times in succession.'

' Three? Surely you mean two.'

'Three is correct: I am afraid it would take too long to explain why, even if you understood our language.'

Page 17

The Nine Billion Names of God

'I'm sure it would,' said Wagner hastily. 'Go on.'

'Luckily, it will be a simple matter to adapt your Automatic Sequence Computer for this work, since once it has been programmed properly it will permute each letter in turn and print the result. What would have taken us fifteen thousand years it 'will be able to do in a hundred days.'

Dr Wagner was scarcely conscious of the faint sounds from the Manhattan streets far below. He was in a different world, a world of natural, not man-made, mountains. High up in their remote aeries these monks had been patiently at work, generation after generation, compiling their lists of meaningless words. Was there any limit to the follies of man- kind? Still, he must give no hint of his inner thoughts. The customer was always right. . .

'There's no doubt.replied the doctor, 'that we can modify the Mark V to print lists of this nature."


' Well they believe that when they have listed all his names - and they reckon that there are about nine billion of them - Gods purpose will be achieved. "

Page 16

"I see. You've been starting at A A A A A A A . . . and work-ing up to Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z . . .'




Fourth Edition

Editor Peter Finch

incandesce (in kan des) [L. incandescere] (IN- (1), candescere, incept. of candere, to be white)], v.i. To glow with heat. v.t. To cause to glow with heat. incandescence, n incandescent, a Glowing with heat; in-tensely luminous with heat. incandescent lamp: An electric or other lamp in which a filament or mantle is made intensely luminous by heat."





9 9 9



9 9



9 9


27 9 9


27 18 9







99 45 9
9 MASS FORCE 99 36 9


45 9









9 9













Darryl Reanney 1994

Page 140

"So only this 'moment' was right for us, or something like us, to evolve. It takes 104° units of time for the universe to create complex creatures with brains powerful enough to surge through the limitations of matter. As the Jesuit scientist Teilhard de Chardin said:

We already knew that everywhere the active lines of life gtow warm with consciousness towards the summit. But in one well-marked region at the heart of the mammals, where the most powerful brains ever made by nature are to be found, they become red hot, And right in the heart of that glow burns a point of incandescence.

We must not lose sight of that line, crimsoned by the dawn. After thousands of years rising below the horizon, a flame bursts forth at a stricrly localised point.

Thought is born.l27"

  "And right in the heart of that glow burns a point of incandescence."

"a point of incandescence"


"Thought is born"





Poems and Essays


Lloyd C. Daniel 1985

Page 32


















David Icke 1996

Page 33

The Global Dictatorship

"I'm sorry, would you just excuse me once more?






Arthur C. Clarke 1972


Page 16

"I see. You've been starting at A A A A A A A . . . and work- ing up to Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z . . .'



Karen Armstrong 1993

Page 278

"All I can say remembering you', the prayer  concluded, 'is ayyyy and ahhhhhhhh"



George King, D. D.1963







Jeremy Narby



Page 53

"In reading the literature on Amazonian shamanism, I had no­ticed that the personal experience of anthropologists with indige­nous hallucinogens was a gray zone. I knew the problem well for having skirted around it myself in my own writings. One of the categories in my reading notes was called "Anthropologists and Ayahuasca." I consulted the card corresponding to this category, which I had filled out over the course of my investigation, and noted that the first subjective description of an ayahuasca experi­ence by an anthropologist was published in 1968-whereas sev­eral botanists had written up similar experiences a hundred years previously. 10

The anthropologist in question was Michael Harner. He had devoted ten lines to his own experience in the middle of an aca­demic article: "For several hours after drinking the brew, I found myself, although awake, in a world literally beyond my wildest dreams. I met bird-headed people, as well as dragon-like creatures who explained that they were the true gods of this world. I enlisted the services of other spirit helpers in attempting to fly through the far reaches of the Galaxy. Transported into a trance where the supernatural seemed natural, I realized that anthropol­ogists, including myself, had profoundly underestimated the im­portance of the drug in affecting native ideology."11"

At first Michael Hamer pursued an enviable career, teaching in reputable universities and editing a book on shamanism for Ox­ford University Press. Later, however, he alienated a good portion of his colleagues by publishing a popular manual on a series of shamanic techniques based on visualization and the use of drums.

Page 54

Hamer explains that in the early 1960s, he went to the Peru­vian Amazon to study the culture of the Conibo Indians. After a year or so he had made little headway in understanding their reli­gious system when the Conibo told him that if he really wanted to leam, he had to drink ayahuasca. Hamer accepted not without fear, because the people had wamed him that the experience was terrifying. The following evening, under the strict supervision of his indigenous friends, he drank the equivalent of a third of a bot­tlee. After several minutes he found himself falling into a world of true hallucinations. After arriving in a celestial cavern where "a supernatural carnival of demons" was in full swing, he saw two strange boats floating through the air that combined to form "a huge dragon-headed prow, not unlike that of a Viking ship." On the deck, he could make out "large numbers of people with the heads of blue jays and the bodies of humans, not unlike the bird­headed gods of ancient Egyptian tomb paintings."

After multiple episodes, which would be too long to describe here, Hamer became convinced that he was dying. He tried call­ / Page 55 / ing out to his Conibo friends for an antidote without managing to pronounce a word. Then he saw that his visions emanated from "giant reptilian creatures" resting at the lowest depths of his brain. These creatures began projecting scenes in front of his eyes, while informing him that this information was reserved for the dying and the dead: "First they showed me the planet Earth as it was eons ago, before there was any life on it. I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky. Then black specks dropped from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on the barren landscape. I could see the 'specks' were actually large, shiny, black creatures with stubby pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies. . . . They explained to me in a kind of thought language that they were fleeing from something out in space. They had come to the planet Earth to escape their enemy. The creatures then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinous forms and thus disguise their presence. Before me, the magnificence of plant and  animal creation and speciation-hundreds of millions of years of activity-took place on a scale and with a vividness impossible to describe. I learned that the dragon-like creatures were thus in­side all forms of life, including man."




and other poems 

T. S. Elliot

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock






"South American Ayahuasca Practice

This brew, commonly called yage, or yaje, in Colombia, ayahuasca (Inca 'vine of the dead'*) in Ecuador and Peru, and caapi in Brazil, is prepared from segments of a species of the vine Banisteriopsis, a genus belonging to the Malpighiaceae.-Michael Harner

*Inca "vine of the dead, vine of the souls," aya means in Quechua "spirit," "ancestor," "dead person," while huasca means "vine," "rope").

Pablo's Warning: Ayahuasca is not something to play with. It may even kill, not because it is toxic in itself, but because the body may not be able to stand the spiritual realm, the vibrations from the spirit world. Pablo said he had several frightening experiences with ayahuasca. Three times he thought he was going to die.*One needs courage, a strong discipline, and to proceed by degrees. It is a long process that might take two or three years before one can venture into the higher realms. One needs a teacher that shows the correct procedures, and how to defend oneself against supernatural attack. But after some time, one needs to continue alone, because even one's teacher might become jealous of one's progress and could take away all one has learned.

*Frightening ayahuasca experiences are quite frequent. It is common that people take ayahuasca only once, and are afraid to take it again."

From Ayahuasca Visions by Luna and Amaringo

"Ayahuasca is not something to play with. It may even kill, not because it is toxic in itself, but because the body may not be able to stand the spiritual realm, the vibrations from the spirit world. Pablo said he had several frightening experiences with ayahuasca. Three times he thought he was going to die.*One needs courage, a strong discipline, and to proceed by degrees. It is a long process that might take two or three years before one can venture into the higher realms."

"Frightening ayahuasca experiences are quite frequent. It is common that people take ayahuasca only once, and are afraid to take it again."



Michael White




Page 98 / " The alchemists, Jung believed had been inadvertantly tap-ping into the collective unconscious. This led them to assume / Page 99 / they were following a spiritual path to enlightenment-when they were actuafly liberatiing their subconscious minds through the use of ritual. This is not far removed from other ritualistic events- those exploited by faith healers, the ecstasy experienced by ritualistic voodoo dancers, or charismatic Christian services. Jung said of alchemy: 'The alchemical stone symbolises some­thing that can never be lost or dissolved, something eternal that some alchemists 'Compared to the mystical experience of God within one's own soul.It tusually takes prolonged suffering to burn away all the superfluous psychic elements.concealing the stone. But some profound inner experience of the Self does occur to most people at least once in a lifetime. From the psychological standpoint, a genuinely religious atiitude consists of an effort to discover this unique. experience and;gradually to keep in tune wth it (it is,relevant that the stone is itself something permanent), so that the Self becomes an inner partner towards whom one's attention is continually turned.'5 To the alchemist, the most important factor in the practice was participation of the individual experimenter in .the process of transmutation. The genuine alchemist was convinced that the emotional and spiritual characteristics of the individual experimenter was involved intiimately wth the success or failure of the experiment. And, it is this concept, more than any other aspect of, alchemy, that distinguishes it from orthodox chemistry,- the scientific discipline that began to supersede it at the end of the seventeenth Century. The alchemist placed inordinate importance upon the spiritual element.of his work and for many sceptics it was this which.pushed the subject into the realms of magic and left it forever beyond the boundaries of 'science'."



Michael White





 'The alchemical stone symbolises some­thing that can never be lost or dissolved, something eternal that some alchemists 'Compared to the mystical experience of God within one's own soul.It usually takes prolonged suffering to burn away all the superfluous psychic elements.concealing the stone. But some profound inner experience of the Self does occur to most people at least once in a lifetime.'



John Michell 1972

 Page 160

"All who study the cabalistic science and the geo-metry and numbers of creation are attacked by melancholy, some-times fatally, the suicide rate among cabalists being notoriously high. The Point is clearly made in Durer's Melancholia. The garden of paradise, symbol of the ultimate perfection of human consciousness, has many delightful inhabitants which are at the same time dange-rous beasts to whoever fails to recognise their nature and function; and of these the most treachorous is the mercurial old serpent of wisdom, that leads men on in the search of the treasure of which it is in itself the the venomous custodian."

"The garden of paradise"





Thomas Mann 1947

Page 91

Chapter Twelve

"The room was not much more than adequate, with some slight indications of middle-class amenity in the shape of a red plush cover on the square in the front of the table, where his books lay / Page 92 / and he drank his morning coffee. He had supplemented the arrangements with a rented cottage piano always strewn with sheets of music, some written by himself. On the wall above the piano was an arithmet-ical diagram fastened withdrawing-pins, something he had found in in a second-hand shop: a so-called magic square, such,as also appears in Durer's Melancolia, along with the hour glass-glass, the circle,the scale, the polyhedron, and other symbols. Here as there, the figure was, divided into sixteen Arabic numbered fields, in such a way that number one was in the right-hand lower corner, sixteen in the upper left; and the magic or the oddity; simply consisted in the fact that the sum of these numerals, howevcer you added them, straight down, crosswise, or diagonally,always came to thirty-four. What the principle was upon which this magic uniformity rested I never made out, but by virtue of the prominent place Adrian, had given it over the piano, it always attracted the eye, and I believe I never visited his room without giving a quick glance slanting up, or straight down and testing once more the invariable, incredible result."







8 ALBRECHT 69 33 6
5 DURER 66 30 3
13 135 63 9
1+3 1+3+5 6+3
4 9 9 9
11 MELANCHOLIA 93 48 3
10 MELANCOLIA 85 40 4
9 ALBRECHTS 88 34 7
5 MAGIC 33 24 6
6 SQUARE 81 27 9
6 THIRTY 100 37 1
4 FOUR 60 24 6
10 160 61 7
1+0 1+6+0 6+1
1 7 7 7
3 ONE 34 16 7 Melancholia

Magic Squares

"Several palindromic magic squares can be found at The World of Numbers. The World of Palindromic numbers would be more appropriate".


"Here is the most famous magic square, from Albrecht Durer's Melancholia.  He did it in 1514."



16 3


5 10 11 8
9 6 7 12
4 15 14 1



7 7 7 7 7 7


3+4 3+4 3+4 3+4 3+4
34 34 34 34 34 34
= = = = = =
+ + + + + +
7 3+4 34 = + 16 3 2 13 + = 34 3+4 7
7 3+4 34 = + 5 10 11 8 + = 34 3+4 7
7 3+4 34 = + 9 6 7 12 + = 34 3+4 7
7 3+4 34 = + 4 15 14 1 + = 34 3+4 7
+ + + + + +
= = = = = =
34 34 34 34 34 34


3+4 3+4 3+4 3+4


7 7 7 7 7





Thomas Mann 1875-1955

Page 10

Chapter 1

"Number 34"

"But come and see your room now"

"What a nice room! I can spend a couple of weeks here with pleasure."


Page 663

"Lie down here in the sand! How cool as death it is, / Page 664 / how soft as silk, as flour! It flows in a colourless, thin stream from thy hand and makes a dainty mound beside thee. Dost thou recognize it, this tiny flowing? It is the soundless, tiny stream through the hour glass, that solemn, fragile toy that adorns the hermit's hut. An open book a skull, and in its slender frame the double glass, holding a little sand, taken from eternity, to prolong here, as time, its troubling, solemn mysterious essence. . ."

"For the moment, how-ever, and before Holger withdrew to the tranquillity of his hasten-ing while, it would be better, and certainly most amiable of him, if he would consent to answer a few practical questions. They scarcely as yet knew what, but would he at least be in principle inclined to do so, in his great amiability?

The answer was yes. But now they discovered a great perplex-ity - what should they ask? It was as in the fairy story, when the fairy or elf grants one question, and there is danger of letting the precious advantage slip through the fingers. There was much in the world, much of the future, that seemed worth knowing, yet it was difficult to choose. At length, as no one else seemed able to sttle, Hans Castorp, with his finger on the glass supporting his cheek on his fist, said he would like to know what was to be / Page 665 / the actual length of his stay up here, instead of the three weeks originally fixed.

Very well, since they thought of nothing better, let the spirit out of the fullness of his knowledge answer this chance query. The glass hesitated, then pushed off. It spelled out something very queer which none of them succeeded in fathoming, it made the word, or the syllable Go, and then the word Slanting and then something about Hans Castorp's room, that was to say, through number thirty-four.What was the sense of that."








John Michell 1972

Page 124

seven orders of magic squares and their traditional planetary associations. The smallest consists of the numbers 1-9 and the largest of I-8I, so arranged that the sum of numbers in each row, column and diagonal is the same. Each square has its characteristic numbers which,in the Sun square, are HI (the sum of each line) and 666 (the sum of the numbers I-36 contained in it). The squares can also be given geometric expressions (see page I95).




4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6




6 6 6



1+5 1+5 1+5 1+5
15 15 15 15 15
= = = = =
+ + + + +


1+5 15 = + 4 9 2 + = 15 1+5 6


1+5 15 = + 3 5 7 + = 15 1+5 6


1+5 15 = + 8 1 6 + = 15 1+5 6
+ + + + +
= = = = =
15 15 15 15 15
1+5 1+5 1+5 1+5 1+5









11 24 7 20 3
4 12 25 8 16
17 5 13 21 9
10 18 1 14 22
23 6 19 2 15



2 2 2 2 2 2 2
11 11 11 11 11 11 11
65 65 65 65 65 65 65
= = = = = = =
+ + + + + + +
2 11 65 = + 11 24 7 20 3 + = 65 11 2
2 11 65 = + 4 12 25 8 16 + = 65 11 2
2 11 65 = + 17 5 13 21 9 + = 65 11 2
2 11 65 = + 10 18 1 14 22 + = 65 11 2
2 11 65 = + 23 6 19 2 15 + = 65 11 2
+ + + + + + +
= = = = = = =
65 65 65 65 65 65
11 11 11 11 11 11
2 2








22 47 16 41 10 35 4
5 23 48 17 42 11 29
30 6 24 49 18 36 12
13 31 7 25 43 19 37
38 14 32 1 26 44 20
21 39 8 33 2 27 45
46 15 40 9 34 3 28



4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175


= = = = = = =
+ + + + + + + + +
4 13 175 = + 22 47 16 41 10 35 4 + = 175 13 4
4 13 175 = + 5 23 48 17 42 11 29 + = 175 13 4
4 13 175 = + 30 6 24 49 18 36 12 + = 175 13 4
4 13 175 = + 13 31 7 25 43 19 37 + = 175 13 4
4 13 175 = + 38 14 32 1 26 44 20 + = 175 13 4
4 13 175 = + 21 39 8 33 2 27 45 + = 175 13 4
4 13 175 = + 46 15 40 9 34 3 28 + = 175 13 4
+ + + + + + + + +
= = = = = = = = =
175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175
13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4




8 58 59 5 4 62 63 1
49 15 14 52  53 11 10 56
41 23 22 44 45 19 18 48
32 34 35 29 28 38 39 25
40 26 27 37 36 30 31 33
17 47 46 20 21 43 42 24
9 55 54 12 13 51 50 16
64 2 3 61 60 6 7 5



8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
= = = = = = = = = =
+ + + + + + + + + +
8 260 = + 8 58 59 5 4 62 63 1 + = 260 8
8 260 = + 49 15 14 52  53 11 10 56 + = 260 8
8 260 = + 41 23 22 44 45 19 18 48 + = 260 8
8 260 = + 32 34 35 29 28 38 39 25 + = 260 8
8 260 = + 40 26 27 37 36 30 31 33 + = 260 8
8 260 = + 17 47 46 20 21 43 42 24 + = 260 8
8 260 = + 9 55 54 12 13 51 50 16 + = 260 8
8 260 = + 64 2 3 61 60 6 7 57 + = 260 8
+ + + + + + + + + +
= = = = = = = = = =
260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8








John Michell 1972

Page 121

"THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH the great stone monuments of the ancient world were so carefully planned and sited can only be understood in terms of the scientific ideals of their builders, which were very different from the ideals of modern science. They were not based, as today, on respect for inventiveness and the notion of progress, but arose from the traditional world-view of the earth as a living creature in a living universe, whose health and prosperity was bound up with that of its inhabitants.

Ancient science was based on number and measure, as is science today; but modern arithmetic, as it is now applied to the torture of schoolchildren, scarcely touches on the aspect of number which the ancients most particularly emphasized - its structure and symbolism. A common assertion in traditional creation myths is that the Maker of the World first laid down a pattern of number, from which all else proceeded. Number was thus regarded as the first archetype or paradigm of nature. This was found apparent from both reason and observation. In the first place, number itself outlasts all the phenomena which it numbers, and so presumably preceded them. Secondly, every natural form of growth and movement evidently conforms to certain cycles and patterns, which themselves relate to certain combinations of numerical types. With this in mind, the ancient philosophers were concerned above all to seek out the patterns in number which correspond to those in nature, and to set them up as models in the conduct of human affairs.

The most highly regarded studies in the ancient world were those which were considered most particularly numerical and thus closest to the essence of things. These were arithmetic, music, astronomy, geometry and stereometry (the study of geometric solids and the structure of the universe). To modern ways of thought it seems strange that the very same code or canon of number was applied to all these subjects in common; but such was the case. And the same numerical canon was further applied to activities which are now considered / Page 122 /




 John Michell 1972

Page 124 /expressing the notes of the traditional musical scales in terms of the smallest possible integers or whole numbers. Music in the ancient world was intimately related to measure, the lengths of strings and of wind instruments representing certain measuring units. These same units were used by architects, who also planned the proportions of their buildings by the ratios of canonical music. Why they should have insisted on this correspondence is not easy to understand. An aesthetic explanation was given by the Renaissance architect, Leon Battista Alberti, who wrote that 'the numbers by means of which the agree­ment of sounds affects our ears with delight, are the very same which please our eyes and our .minds'. In other words, proportions in architecture have the same pleasing effects as in music. Yet the matter is deeper than that. In the design of temples, to give human satisfaction was only one part of the architect's purpose. The chief object for which a temple was built was to attract the gods or forces in nature to which it was dedicated. This was done by use of the principle of sympathetic resonance or 'like attracts like'. Each temple was so framed as to include symbolic references to the appro­priate deity. It was orientated according to the season and the heavenly body corresponding to that deity, whose characteristic numbers were also expresseq in the dimensions of the building. Certain patterns of number, each with corresponding musical and geometric types, represented certain aspects of universal energy. Thus, according to the theory of ritual magic, they were effective in invoking that energy. Examples of number patterns, traditionally used for magical in vocation, occur in those curious figures known as 'magic squares', as illustrated here, in which are encodified certain numbers of reputed magical potency. Among them are the numbers found prominent in the plans of ancient / temples.



O = 15 ONE 3 34 16 7 - 1
T = 20 TWO 3 58 13 4 - 2
T = 20 THREE 5 56 29 2 - 3
F = 6 FOUR 4 60 24 6 - 4
61 15 208 82 19 10
6+1 1+5 2+0+8 8+2 1+9 1+0
10 10 10
1+0 1+0 1+0
7 6 1 1 1 1



N = 14 NINE 4 42 24 6 - 9
E = 5 EIGHT 5 49 31 4 - 8
S = 19 SEVEN 5 65 20 2 - 7
S = 19 SIX 3 52 16 7 - 6
57 17 208 91 19 30
5+7 1+7 2+0+8 9+1 1+9 3+0
12 10 10 10
1+2 1+0 1+0 1+0
3 8 1 1 1 3



4 FIVE 42 24 6



3 ONE 34 16 7 SIX 52 16 7
3 TWO 58 13 4 SEVEN 65 20 2
5 THREE 56 29 2 EIGHT 49 31 4
4 FOUR 60 24 6 NINE 42 24 6
15 208 82 19 208 91 19
1+5 2+0+8 8+2 1+9 2+0+8 9+1 1+9
10 10 10 10 10 10
1+0 1+0 1+0 1+0 1+0 1+0
6 1 1 1 1 1 1




1 3 ONE 34 16 7
2 3 TWO 58 13 4
3 5 THREE 56 29 2
4 4 FOUR 60 24 6
5 4 FIVE 42 24 6
6 3 SIX 52 16 7
7 5 SEVEN 65 20 2
8 5 EIGHT 49 31 4
9 4 NINE 42 24 6
45 36 458 197 44
4+5 3+6 4+5+8 1+9+7 4+4
17 17
1+7 1+7
9 9 8 8 8



1 ONE 34 16 7
2 TWO 58 13 4
3 THREE 56 29 2
4 FOUR 60 24 6
5 FIVE 42 24 6
6 SIX 52 16 7
7 SEVEN 65 20 2
8 EIGHT 49 31 4
9 NINE 42 24 6



0 ZERO 64 28 1
1 6 ONE 34 16 7
2 2 TWO 58 13 4
3 2 THREE 56 29 2
4 6 FOUR 60 24 6
5 6 FIVE 42 24 6
6 1 SIX 52 16 7
7 1 SEVEN 65 20 2
8 5 EIGHT 49 31 4
9 5 NINE 42 24 6
45 34 522 225 45
4+5 3+4 5+2+2 2+2+5 4+5
9 7 9 9 9








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