The Emerald Tablet
For this reason I am called
because I hold three parts of the wisdom of the whole world

The Lure and Romance of Alchemy
A history of the secret link between magic and science
C. J. S.Thompson

Page 31                                            

  The Mystery Of The Emerald Tablet

"An atmosphere of romance and mystery surrounds the tradition of an emerald tablet or table that is said to have been discovered in  the  tomb of the legendary Hermes. It is first mentioned in western literature In a treatise attributed to Albert Magus called De Mineralibus,written in the early part of the fourteenth century. In this manuscript it is stated that the tomb of Hermes was discovered by Alexander the Great near Hebron, and that in the tomb was found a tablet of emerald… "
" On this was inscribed in Phoenician  characters the precepts of the Great Master concerning the art of making gold The Hermes alluded to is doubtless the traditionary Hermes Trismegistus "
Alexander the Great invaded Egypt   332 BC
Alexander the Great died                  323 BC Aged 32
The Egyptian princess Mene,died in  322 B.C.  

The Elixir And The Stone
A history of Magic and Alchemy 1998
Michael Baigent And Richard Leigh

Page 21
Hermeticism derives its name from a figure known as Thoth, or Thoth - Hermes, or Thrice - Great Hermes,
or Hermes Trismegistus.
Page 22  

note 21

"An inscription dating from 172 BC mentions 'Thoth the three times great .' "
Page 22  

note 22

"An even earlier inscription , from the third century BC, alludes to ' Thoth Thrice Greatest.' "  
"As an Egyptian deity, Thoth performed a number of functions He was a moon god, symbolized by the cusped  or horned moon, and silver was sacred to him. He acted as psychopomp - that is as initiator - into the most arcane mysteries. He served as sentinel or guardian of the gates to the underworld;and in this capacity he weighed the souls of the newly dead in order to determine their posthumous destinies "

Page 23  

" Thoth was also regarded as the god of magic, the supreme master magician who confided the secrets of his  art to his initiates among mankind  "

Page 23  

note 23

"…Presiding over fate and justice, he is also lord of the night and of death and its mysterious aftermath-…"
'…He knows 'all that is hidden under the heavenly vault, and beneath the earth,… '
The Elixir And The Stone A history of Magic and Alchemy 1998
Michael Baigent And Richard Leigh
Page 24

note 24

"In the, sixteenth dialogue of the  Corpus Hermeticum for example, Thoth Hermes declares that the meaning of his work 'will be entirely unclear when the Greeks eventually  desire to translate our language to their own and thus produce in writing the greatest distortion… But this discourse, expressed in our paternal language, keeps clear the mean-ing of its words.The very quality of the speech and the sound of Egyptian words have in themselves the energy of the objects they speak of. '
"…words even individual letters ,can be the equivalent of storage cells, repositories charged with a form of divine or magical power as a battery is charged with electrical energy.
" In general Hermeticism is a mystical tradition , a mystical body of teachings, a mystical mode of thought.
"It repudiates codified dogma and the interpretative necessity and authority of priests."
It also refuses to accept the rational intellect as the supreme means of cognition, the supreme arbiter of reality."
Instead it emphasizes and extols the mystical or numinous experience-direct and first hand-apprehension of the sacred , direct knowledge of the absolute."

Page 25

Hermetic and Gnostic

" The word gnosis simply means direct knowledge. To that extent Hermeticism is indeed 'gnostic' in orientation."

Page 26 / 27

" For hermeticism,…"  ' …there was ultimately only one everything . Reality in all its aspects was embraced as a single all - persuasive ,all - encompassing totality, a single whole in / which all dichotomies, all distinctions between body and soul , spirit and matter were accommodated and harmoniously integrated. Everything in its own way was valid. Everything was incorporated in the comprehensive  design.'
" Within this harmony, everything was interconnected with everything else through a mesh of interlocking relationships. Such relationships rested on the principle of anology. Things echoed other things, reflected other things, mirrored other things, parelleled other things, corresponded to other things. Reality comprised an intricate, incessantly  vibrating  and living web of correspondences. These correspondences were like notes or chords of music, recurring in ever new combinations and permutations, and thus contributing to a single grand symphony. Or they could be compared to a multitude of different coloured threads, interwoven with each other to create a single seamless fabric or tapestry. According to the Emerald Tablet ' the above comes from below, and the below from above - the work of the miracle of the One'

Page 27 note 26
Page 27 note 27

In a more widely circulated version , 'that which is above is like that which is below, and that which is below is like that which is above.'
"This premise has often been abridged to the simple formula ' As above so below'. "
Page 28 note 28

The Way of Hermes

"The Emerald Tablet elaborates further:  'The structure of the microcosm is in accordance with the structure of the macro-cosm' In other words the lesser mirrors the greater  and the greater the lesser. The structure of the atom mirrors the solar system, while the structure of the solar system mirrors that of the atom. Man mirrors the cosmos and vice versa "
"The world within and the world without mirror each other. The universe contained within the human psyche mirrors
the external universe,which can be conceived of as the 'psyche of the living and sentient totality …"

Page 28

For the Hermeticist,the analogies or correspondences con-necting  the diverse skeins of reality were best expressed by symbols. Thus for example,the interelatioship between microcosm and macrocosm was traditionally denoted by the famous
' Seal of Solomon ' -  a six pointed star "
" Such symbols were not however, merely  a convenient shorthand .On the contrary, they were like sounds letters and words "  "…repositeries or storage cells of power ,batteries holding a latent charge of energy. These symbols often called 'seals ' or  'signatures',were like cross -  stitches in the fabric of reality, the interlacing holding the mesh together."  "…And what was more ,these symbols could be ' activated 'in a practical manner. Symbols could be manipulated , like elements or molecules in chemistry to form new compounds ,new amalgams of possibility.By virtue of such manipulation change could be effected. The process whereby it was ,constituted a form of magic:     'Recent research'

/ Page 29

note 29  

has done  much to show how important a place  the practice as well as the theory of Theurgy - that is the"performing of divine actions", chiefly with the aid of magical " symbols "or symbola - occupied …'
From page 3 up to and including page 32 (notes 32 and 33) there are 33 text notes .Page 33 denotes a Chapter change.

Page 30

"Hermetic thought provided the basis for a new orientation"
As a result of the new orientation  man ceased to be merely a victim of reality. He ceased , likewise to be merely an observer of world around him

Page 31 / 32

"And there were women  alchemists as well, female Faust figures . One practioner for example, was known as Cleo-patra and is  credited with a statement strikingly similar to' /  the opening of the Emerald Tablet:  ' Tell us how the highest descends to the lowest and how the lowest rises to the high-est. "  

note 31
From page 3

of this book up to and including page 32 (notes 32 and 33) there are 33  text notes .Page 33 denotes a chapter change.

Joseph And  His Brothers
Thomas Mann

Page 124.

"And here indeed our tale issues into mysteries, and our signposts are lost in the endlessness of the past, where every origin betrays itself as but an apparent halt and inconclusive goal, mysterious by its very nature - since that has to do not with distance but with the sphere. For distance in a straight line has no mystery. The mystery is in the sphere. But the sphere consists in correspondence and redinte-gration; it is a doubled half that becomes one , that is made by joining an upper and lower half, a heavenly and earthly hemisphere, which complement each other in a whole, in such  a manner that what is above is also below; and what happens in the earthly repeats itself in the heavenly sphere and contrariwise This complementary inter-change of two halves which together form a whole and a closed sphere is equivelant to actual change - that is to, to revolution. The sphere rolls - that lies in the nature of spheres. Bottom is soon top and top bottom, in so far as one can speak of top and bottom in such a connection. Not only do the heavenly recognise themselves in each other ,but , thanks to the revolution of the sphere, the heavenly can turn into the earthly the, earthly into the heavenly, from which it is clear that gods can become men and on the other hand men can become gods again."

Just Six Numbers
The Deep Forces that Shape the Universe. 1999
Martin Rees
" In this book I shall describe several ways in which we are linked to the stars, arguing  that we cannot understand our origins without the cosmic context. The intimate connections between  the 'inner space of the sub-atomic world and the 'outer space'of the cosmos are illustrated in Figure 1.1- an  ouraborus, described by  Encyclopaedia Britannica as the 'emblematic serpent of an-cient Egypt and Greece, represented with its tail in its mouth continually devouring itself and being reborn from itself…[It] expresses the unity of all things, material and spiritual ,which never disappear but perpetually change form in an eternal cycle of destruction and re - creation "
The scribe writ 'tongue in mouth'



The Elixir And The Stone A history of Magic and Alchemy 1998
Michael Baigent And Richard Leigh

Page 40

"…they cited certain of the texts ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus "
" In Harran,, Hermeticism thrived. And from Harran , it is believed ,there issued a new hermetic text , and one of the most important  of all  for later magical tradition."
"In Arabic, the book in question is called the Ghayat al-hakim, or Goal of the wise
It is known to western scholars as the Picatrix .The Picatrix is, in effect, a guide, a textbook and manual for the practice of astrological magic."

Page 41

"In positing a planetery influence on terrestial phenomena, it had been regarded as a supreme illustration and
manifestation of the Hermetic premise which linked  macrocosm and  microcosm ,  'above' and 'below'
The Picatrix further consolidated the position of astrology in the overall context of Hermetic thought .
'All things in this world 'obey  the celestial forms,' And: All sages agree that the planets exercise influence and
power over this world …' from this it follows that the roots of magic are the movement of the planets.' note 8
It offered the aspiring magician meticulously detailed instructions for invoking ,manipulating  and deploying on earth the celestial influence of the planets. " It focused in particular on what it called 'talismans' which it compared explicitly to the alchemical elixir Through the proper design and construction of a 'talisman', and through proper performance of the rituals associated with it, the magician could  control the energy emanating from heavenly spheres "
"The hermetic practioner thus learned how 'to draw these celestial spirits down to the earth and to induce them to enter into a material object (a talisman),which thereupon possesses well defined magical powers,." note 9
"From such procedures , there emerged, in the Picatrix,a portrait of 'Hermetic man' who is described as 'the magus, the sage, the master of Heaven and Earth .  note 10
In this way,'Hermetic man' became the nexus the junction, the point of intersection between macrocosm and micrcosm,the greater world and the lesser' I tell you that man is called a world ,and this by comparison to the greater one, just as one says  that whatever is contained in the greater world ,is contained naturally in the lesser one.' note 11

Page 42

"In Harran the Picatrix was integrated with the corpus of earlier hermetic texts,…          
"Look abroad through natures range natures mighty law is change" So said Zed Aliz ,observing out of the corner of an  I corner,  The Blessed Robbie ,  trip over the words off of off a tongue.

The Elixir And The Stone
A history of Magic and Alchemy 1998
Michael Baigent And Richard Leigh
Hermetic Thought and The Arts The Talisman
Chapter 9

Page    191

"At the route of culture as Thomas Mann says, lies cult. Ever since the earliest days of prehistory when man began to weave his pre-Hermetic magic into coherent systems of belief, the arts have been inextricably associated with religion."

Page   192

"Inevitably , therefore, Hermetic thought began increasingly to manifest itself through the arts- …"
"…In certain cases, the work of art would simply express or illustrate key tenets of Hermetic thought, such as the premise of analogy or the relationship between microcosm and macrocosm. In other cases, the act of artistic creation would be seen as nothing less than a magical operation; and the finished work would itself  be a magical object, a species of talisman, capable of invoking and concentrating occult or cosmic energies.


Lyall Watson (1974 Edition)

Page 97

"Sound, of course, is a vibration that can be conducted only through an elastic medium; it cannot travel through a vac-uum. Electromagnetic waves do travel through free space, and we know far less about factors governing their resonance. There is however, one quite extraordinary piece of evidence which  suggests that shape could be important in receiving even cosmic stimuli. It comes from those favourites of mystics throughout the ages-the pyramids of Egypt." ( see  also Thomas Mann Joseph and his Brothers page 511)

Page 101

" It is possible that all shapes have their own qualities and that the forms we see around us are the result of  combinations of enviromental frequencies .In the eighteenth century the German physicist Ernst Chladni discovered a way of making vibration patterns visible…"
"…These arrangements now known as Chladni's figures…"
"…have been extensively used in physics to demonstrate wave function,but they also show very well that different fre-quencies produce patterns with different forms."
"…and by playing notes with a wide range of frequencies, it is possible to induce a pattern to take on almost any form
"the study of this phenomenon, the effects of waves on matter is called cymatics . note 166

Page 103

" In Switzerland during the past ten years  Hans Jenny has been refining  Chladni's  figures and producing
elegant proof that form is a function of frequency. One of his inventions is a "tonoscope," which converts sounds into visible three-dimensional patterns in inert material. note 167 This can be used with the human voice as the sound source,and when someone speaks the sound for the letter O into the microphone, it produces a perfectly spherical pattern. The sphere is one of nature's basic forms, but it is startling to discover that the shape produced by the frequency of the O sound is exactly the shape we have  chosen to represent it pictorially in our script. It raises specters of ancient beliefs that words and names had properties of their own."
" Is it possible that words have a power by virtue of their own special frequencies? Can magic words and sacred formulas and chants in fact exert an influence that differs from other sounds chosen at random ? It seems so ,and with Jenny's discovery of word patterns, I find myself looking with some discomfort and awe at St John's assertion
"In the beginning was the Word "

Page 106 / 107

"Research is now going on into the effect of music on plants. It has been / discovered that geraniums grow faster and taller to the a-ccompaniment of Bach's Brandernburg concerto. If the domi-nant frequencies of these pieces of this music  are broadcast to the plants, they have some effect,but growth is more marked if the frequencies occur in the spatial relationships so carefully designed by the composer. Bacteria are affected in the same way, multiplying under the influence of certain frequencies and dying when subject to others. It is not a long step from this discovery  to the old idea that frequent repetiton of certain chants or songs could cure disease.  

Page 107 / 108

Following discoveries about the nature of light, magnetism, and electricity in the nineteenth century, the theory of a /
"vibrating universe" became very popular in occult circles, but it was Pythagoras, in the fifth century B.C. , who first de-veloped the idea.The notion that the Universe is connected in a grand design has always been fundamental to magic, and the pythagoreans used the mathematical relatioships of musi-cal intervals to express this pattern numerically. "  
Reight wah scribe said Alizzed  lets get on wi' it

Cassell's English
Dictionary 1974

Page 485

" geometric
The science of magnitudes whether linear, superficial, or solid with their properties and relations in space "
" geometric, -al
Pertaining to geometry ;done, determined  or prescribed by geometry; disposed in mathemetical figures "
" geometrical progression :  A progression in which the terms increase or decrease by a common ratio,"

as 1, 3, 9, 27; 144, 72, 36,18.

" geometrical proportion:  One based on equal ratios in its two parts, as 2 : 4 : :  6 : 12.
Doodling the scribe writ
Pythagorus   then writ
Python - ouraborus   and then writ
Pythaborus  and then wrote writ,and then writ wrote  and then writ
Gee said ZedAliz there just had to be a B  
There are ten letters in Pythagorus, said Alizzed and nine in ouraborus and

10 + 9 is 19 and I + 9 is10 and 1+ 0 is O

Then at the further instigation of the Zed Aliz Zed. The scribe writ

10 x 9 is  90 and 9 + 0 is 9

Then would you believe it the scribe writ  Phi  is the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet

Thus writ the scribe
