Fingerprints of the Gods

Page 279/280
2 x red x bamboo  =  36

red x bamboo is 18 x Canton  is 108 x world  is  504

"In one pot were 36 and in the other 72 plants, , together 108."
36  + 72  +  108  =  216

Yes I took home 108 plants
36  + 72  + 108  + 108
    108    216     324    

In the groves are 36 and 72
36  + 72  + 108  + 108  + 36  + 72
    108    216     324     360    432

36  x 72  = 2592
36  x 72  x 108  = 27 99 36                  
3 x 6 x 7 x 2  x 1 x 8          
18  x 7
     126 x  2
           252  x  1
                  252 x  8
3 x 6 x 7 x 2  x 1 x 8 x 1 x 8        
18  x 7
     126 x  2
           252  x  1
                  252 x  8
                      2016 x 1
                          2016 x 8

"In  the groves are   36   and  72"
  2  x 3   x  6  x  3 =108  x 3  = 324
                                              324 + 36          
                                                = 360 +72
                                                        =  432

3 x 6 x 7 x 2  x 1 x 8  x 1 x 8  x 3 x 6 x 7  x 2
     18  x 7                                          
        126 x 2
            252 x 1
                252 x 8
                    2016 x1
                       2016 x8              
                         16128 x3
                            48384 x6
                             290304 x7
                              2032128 x2
                                is 4064256

Thus writ the scribe  

Page 280

Finally returning to India, let us note the content of the sacred scriptures known as the Puranas.  These speak of four 'ages of the earth', called Yugas, which together are said to extend to 12,000 'divine years'.  The respective durations of these epochs, in 'divine years' are Krita Yuga = 4800;
Treta Yuga = 3600; Davpara Yuga = 2400; Kali Yuga = 1200.
Upon reading this Alizzed immediately didn't take up the rosary and start counting
Yuga = 12000 divine years x 360  = 4320000
Krita Yuga = 4800 divine years  x 360 =1728000
Treta Yuga  = 3600 divine years x 360 = 1296000
Davpara Yuga = 2400 divine years x 360 = 864000
Kali Yuga = 1200 divine years x360 = 432000
Count ye the letters scribe said Zed AlizZed  of yonder Yugas and  in addition go forth and multiply
And so the scribe counted.and in addition went forth and multiplied
KritaYuga        TretaYuga         DavparaYuga         KaliYuga
   5  +  4               5  +  4                    7    +   4              4  +  4
       9          x           9              x             11          x            8          
       9 x 9 is 81                    81 x 11 is 891  
            891 x 8 is 7128
7128÷ 72                                                        =  99                   9+9                                                    
                 is 18
                  9 x 9  
                   is  81
              and 8 + 1 equals Nine
          Azin the them and the Thou
                         So writ the scribe of that that was said by the Zed Aliz Zed
    Krita 5 x Yuga 4 x Treta 5  x Yuga 4 Davpara 7 x Yuga 4 x Kali 4 x Yuga 4
           5 x 4                                                                                                4 x 4

            20 x 5                                                                                         4 x 16
             100 x 4                                                                                   7  x 64
                400 x 7                                                                             4  x 448
                 2800 x4                                                                         5 x 2240
                   11200 x4                                                                    4 x11200

                    44800 x4                                                                 5 x 44800
                    1 7 9 2 0 0                                                              1 7 9 2 0 0
                                       Thus writ the very far yonder scribe                                      





Fingerprints of the gods


To Re cap said Zed Aliz
Yuga = 12000 divine years x 360  = 4320000        
Krita Yuga = 4800 divine years  x 360 =1728000
Treta Yuga  = 3600 divine years x 360 = 1296000
Davpara Yuga = 2400 divine years x 360 = 864000
Kali Yuga = 1200 divine years x 360 = 432000
432000 x Mahayuga = 3456000 ÷ 360 = 9600
                                      3456000 ÷   72 = 48000 
                                      3456000 ÷   54 = 64000

                                      3456000 ÷   45 = 76800
                                      3456000 ÷  Ra and the eight = 192000
                                      3456000 ÷  12  = 288000
                                      3456000 ÷    9   = 384000
                                      3456000 ÷    3   =  1152000                                                              
432000 ÷ Mahayuga               = 54000
Krita x Yuga =20                  
Krita x Yuga  x Treta x Yuga = 400
Krita x Yuga  x Treta x Yuga x Davpara x Yuga = 11200
Krita x Yuga  x Treta x Yuga x Davpara x Yuga x Kali x Yuga =179200
Krita x Treta x Davpara x Kali
Krita x Treta = 25      
Krita  x Treta x Davpara = 175
Krita  x Treta x Davpara x Kali =700
The very very very magic number seven scribe said ZedAliz
The scribe simply writ seven as 7
Reight scribe said Alizzed Now add to deduce . The scribe writ reduce to adduce.
Azin divine years.
1728000  = 18   = 9
1296000  = 18   = 9
864000    = 18   = 9
432000              = 9
                            9 + 9 + 9 + 9    =  36  =  9
                            9 x 9 x 9 x 9    =  656  =  17  = 8
                                                                              8 x 9  = 72
Azin 9 said Zed aliz
There is no logic to this Alizzed said the scribe Exactly scribe said Zed aliz still intently Looking for Kings.
Yuga = 12000 divine years                      1 + 2   = 3
Krita Yuga = 4800 divine years  4 + 8 = 1 + 2   = 3
Treta Yuga  = 3600 divine years             3 + 6   = 9
Davpara Yuga = 2400 divine years         2 + 4   = 6
Kali Yuga = 1200 divine years                1 + 2   = 3
                                                                                3  +  3 +  9 +  6 + 3 =  24  = 6
                                 3  x  3  x 9  x 6  x 3 =   1458   = 18  = 9
                                                                                    9  x  9                                9 x 6 = 54
                                                                                        81 x 6
                                                                                           486 x 3

Thus writ the scribe



Fingerprints of the Gods

Page 280

KritaYuga        TretaYuga         DavparaYuga         KaliYuga
   5  +  4               5  +  4                    7    +   4              4  +  4
       9          x           9              x             11          x            8          
   9 x 9
      81 x 11
           891 x 8
              7128 divided by Mahayuga is 891 Azin 8 x 9 x 1 is 72
Enough is not enough scribe said Zed AlizZed  time to move on
The Puranas also tell us that 'one year of the mortals is equal to one day of the gods.'  Furthermore, and exactly as in the Osiris myth, we discover that the number of days in the years of both gods and mortals has been artificially set at 360, so one year of the gods is equivalent to 360 mortal years. Times                                                      
                                    360                            Times                           360
                                                            divided  by  eighteen                                                    
                                                                       is 72

Fingerprints Of The Gods

Page 273

These he joined to the 360 days of which the year then consisted (emphasis added).

Elsewhere the myth informs us that the 360 -day year  consists of "12 months of 30 days each". Note 6
And in general,as Sellers observes , "phrases are used which prompt simple mental calculations and an attention to numbers ". note 7

Reight scribe said Zed Aliz write this down The scribe then writ as follows
Osiris x Isis  is  24  Azin  6
Osiris x Isis x Set is 72 Azin 9
Osiris x Isis x Set x The other  is 360 Azin 9
Oh sir so it is  cried  the scribe,  said not to ZedAlizzed, and said  to nobody in particular .

Page 280

The Kali Yuga, therefore, at 1200 years of the gods, turns out to have a duration of 432,000 mortal years.  One Mahayuga, or Great Age (made up of the 12,000 divine years contained in the four lesser Yugas) is equivalent to 4,320,000 years of mortals.  A thousand such Mahayugas (which constitute a Kalpa, or Day of Brahma) extend over 4,320,000,000 ordinary years, again supplying the digits for basic precessional calculations.  Separately there are Manvantaras (periods of Manu) of which we are told in the scriptures that 'about 71 systems of four Yugas elapse during each Manvantara.  The reader will recall that one degree of precessional motion along the ecliptic requires 71.6 years to complete, a number that can be rounded down to 'about 71' in India just as easily as it was rounded up to 72 in Ancient Egypt.
    72 x Yugas = 360               432 ÷ 12      Mahayugas x Kalpa           Mahayugas x Brahma
     Day of Brahma                  36                                  45                                        54
       3 x 2  x  6
         6  x 6
Brahma x Yuga x Kalpa = 120
Mahayugas x Brahma = 360
Manvantara  x 72 = 720
The scribe then out of nowhere , not suddenly, writ 71 x 71 is 5041

Page 281

"The Kali Yuga, with a duration of 432,000 mortal years, is, by the way, our own .  'In the Kali Age,' the scriptures say, 'shall decay flourish, until the human race approaches annihilation."
432000 ÷ Kali Yuga = 54000
'In the Kali Age,'
2  x  3  x  4  x  3
     6  x  4
        24 x 3
"In that land, as we have seen, Orion is Osiris, the god of death and resurrection, whose numbers - perhaps by chance - are 12, 30, 72, and 360."
12 x 30 x 72 x 360
    360 x 72
         25920 x 360
               9331200 ÷  432  is  21600
               9331200 ÷    12  is  777600
               9331200 ÷    18  is  518400
12 + 30 + 72 + 360
        is 474
Reight scribe said AlizZed  remove 474 from 504  and what is left
The scribe said ,sixty six is left, so what. ?Ask a solemn Solomon said ZedAlizzed it's a revelation

Osiris, the god of death and resurrection, whose numbers -- are
12, 30, 72, and 360."
Add to reduce and thus deduce, sang a sing song ZedAlizZed.
1+2   3+0  7+2      3+6+0
   3      3        9           9
        3  x  3
            9  x 9
               81 x 9

Chapter 33

Page 293

     2 x 9 x 3                         3 x 3        1 x 9 + 9  x 3
         18 x 3                            9                 9 + 9
              54                                                  18 x 3
"Giza Egypt 16 March1993    3-30 pm"
Just keep luck, look, looking, for coincidence, scribe, said Alizzed.  Snap Alizzed said the scribe, writing pans.